Lost genes’ at many points in Omicron – News2IN

Lost genes’ at many points in Omicron

Written by news2in

Letter: Assessing the rapid spread of Covid-19 infection, health officials have believed that nearly 80 percent of new cases are omicron variants.
The scientific findings that support their beliefs are the absence of genes in the RT-PCR test.
“From the RT-PCR test analysis, it has been found that in most sample reports, the gene is lost.
This is an indication of omicron variant infection,” said a health official.
Health officials of the Municipal Corporation (SMC) letter regularly analyzed the findings of RT-PCR reports from the government and private laboratories.
Because the final report of the genome sequence took almost two weeks, officials had found a simple method for checking genes.
“In most confected omicron infection patients, the gene is lost in the RT-PCR report in the initial test conducted.
Confirmed by medical brotherhood in other parts of the country through this, it is easy to identify omicron-infected people,” said an official.
“Also clear from the speed of the spread of infection.
The increase in this case is not fast in the previous wave in the city,” said a health official.
Based on infection trends, health officials handle cases and plan the next step to load infection given most of the cases of omicron variants.
Health officials also claim that although the infection of most patients does not have serious symptoms which are also a sign of omicron infection.

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