Set the destination equivalent to developed countries: cm – News2IN

Set the destination equivalent to developed countries: cm

Set the destination equivalent to developed countries: cm
Written by news2in

Chennai: Chief Minister Tamil Nadu M Stalin on Tuesday asked the Government Department Secretary to start preparatory work for the proposal for future fiscal years and obtain funds and permits needed for 20 programs delayed by the government.
He held a review with the Secretary of the Government Department of the implementation of various programs announced by it and the Minister during the debate on demand for the department during the budget session in September and in the financial and agricultural budget.
“Evolve the action plan.
Plan the program for this year, the next four years and until 2030.
Prepare a road map like that.
Only if we think big, big dreams, the results will be great,” Stalin said, while expressing satisfaction with administrative performance.
The department has issued orders for 1,313 of 1,641 announcements made by the DMK government in the past eight months.
The minister’s chairman said officials need to avoid the mindset that the country is better than other people in this country.
“We need to set our goals with developed countries and South Asian countries,” he said, emphasizing the need to coordinate with each other.
Officials were told to constantly monitor the implementation of which projects have been published and service delivery quickly by allocating funds.
Secretary of the department must visit the district at least twice to take the necessary actions of the program, which is reviewed by the First Minister next month.

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