Surprised by the Step Center to reject the Netaji Tableau from the R-Day Parade, Mamata wrote to PM Modi – News2IN

Surprised by the Step Center to reject the Netaji Tableau from the R-Day Parade, Mamata wrote to PM Modi

Surprised by the Step Center to reject the Netaji Tableau from the R-Day Parade, Mamata wrote to PM Modi
Written by news2in

Kolkata: Expressing a surprise on the central decision to exclude the West Bengal Tablo, which is stipulated to highlight the contribution of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose in the anniversary of the birthday of the 125th birthday, from the upcoming Republican Day Parade in Delhi, Chairman of the Minister of Mamata Banerjee on Sunday wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged him to reconsider the decision.
Banerjee also said that there was no reason quoted for Tablo Rejection – a step that would cause “sick” to people in his state.
“I was very surprised and injured by the decision of the Government of India to suddenly exclude tables proposed by the West Bengal Government from the next Republican Day Parade.
Even more confusing for us that tablons are rejected without assigning anyone reason or justification,” Banerjee said in the letter two pages to Modi.
SE shows that tables are set to commemorate the contribution of Netaji and Ina for the struggle for freedom, in addition to showing the portraits of “Son and Princess” of the country “.” The proposed tableau is commemorating the contribution of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and its 125th birthday birthday and carrying portraits of some of the most famous sons and daughters in this country – Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar, Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekananda Dishbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Sri Aurobindo, Mature Hazra, Nazrul, Birsa Munda and many patriots, “said CM And damage the freedom fighters “.” I might want to tell you that all West Bengal people are very sad to the attitude of this central government.
It was very surprising to find that the contribution of brave freedom fighters did not find a place in the nation’s ceremony to celebrate the opportunity to celebrate the opportunity of the Republican Day in the 75th year of our independence, “he underlined.
CM insisted that the tableau, if included, would give respect To all the great souls in the most appropriate way.
“I urged you to reconsider the decision and enter the freedom of the Freedom fighters from West Bengal in the Republican Day Parade in the 75th year of our independence.
Tableo that displays sacrifices and contributions from Lakh Freedom Fighters will be the most appropriate.
Ways to respect and respect us to all the great souls that struggle for our freedom, “he added.
Congress has also expressed disappointed with his development, with his leader at Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury wrote to the center of this issue.
In his letter to Defense Minister Rajnath Singh On Saturday, he said the decision was “insult to West Bengal, his cultural heritage and our big hero Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
Each aspiration country to show off its cultural traditions and icons during the Republic.
Day so that the wider community at the national level becomes aware of the same thing.
“The central government has” showed its bias by denying this opportunity “to West Bengal, Chowdhuy said.
Meanwhile, BJP spokesman Samik Bhattacharya, when approached, said his party would never indulge in politics over the patriot and icon.” Some Technical reasons may have encouraged rejection.
Our government and BJP know about the big contribution of Netaji and look at Him as our national icons and heroes.
BJP never did politics over patriots like Netaji.
This is the TMC that politicizes the problem, “he added.

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