Hong Kong to Cull 2,000 animals because of several positive covid tests – News2IN

Hong Kong to Cull 2,000 animals because of several positive covid tests

Hong Kong to Cull 2,000 animals because of several positive covid tests
Written by news2in

Hong Kong: Hong Kong authorities said on Tuesday that they would destroy around 2,000 small animals, including hamsters after several rats were tested positively for a virus at a pet shop where infected employees worked.
The city will also stop selling and importing small mammals including hamsters, according to officials from agriculture, fisheries and conservation departments.
The move occurred after a pet shop employee was tested positive for the Delta variant on Monday.
Some hamsters imported from the Netherlands in the same shop were tested positive for Coronavirus too.
Although the authorities recognize that there is no evidence ” that pets can transmit correnavirus to humans, as precautions, customers who have bought hamsters from the affected shop after 7 January will be tracked and subject to quarantine compulsory.
They also had to submit their hamsters to the authorities to be lowered.
Authorities say that all pet stores that sell hamsters in Hong Kong must stop operating and around 2,000 small mammals, including hamsters and Chinchillas, will be destroyed in a humane way.
Customers who bought hamsters in Hong Kong starting December 22 will also submit to mandatory testing and urged not to enter the public until their tests have returned negative.
If their hamsters test positively, they will be quarantined.
For now, authorities say they will not override transmissions between humans and animals.
Separately, Hong Kong police have arrested two former flight attendants because they allegedly left their homes when they should be in isolation on the possibility of Coronavirus infection, which was later confirmed.
Both of them arrived from J on December 24 and December 25.
While in medical supervision, they have “ do unnecessary activities, “according to the government statement posted on Monday night.
While the statement did not give their employer’s name, the arrest came after the carrier Cathay Pacific aircraft carrier said he had fired two crew members for violating the Coronavirus protocol.
Both were tested positive for Omicron variants.
Cathay previously said the crew’s actions that had violated the Coronavirus protocol was “very disappointing” and apologized for the disorder.
The company must reduce flight – both passengers and cargo – in January in the midst of the virus sidewalk.
Duo has been released on guarantees and will Having a case they were heard in court on February 9.
If punished for violating anti-epidemic regulations, they can face a prison sentence and a fine of up to 5,000 Hong Kong dollars ($ 642).
Hong Kong has been wrestling with local Omicron outbreaks through several crew members Cathay Pacific who has eaten at the bar and restaurant across the city before testing the positive for the omicron variant.
Previously in Hong Kong, certain air and sea crew members can isolate at home below the quarantine exception.
Regulations tighten December 31 requires crew members to isolate in A hotel quarantine designated for around S or Sunday to maintain public health.

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