Indian Nasar birds in the row of deaths, large amounts in the amount – News2IN
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Indian Nasar birds in the row of deaths, large amounts in the amount

Indian Nasar birds in the row of deaths, large amounts in the amount
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: While the sanctuary proposed for the conservation of birds in Bejjur Adilabad has failed to take off, the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) has classified Indian HERING because it is very endangered even when the population decreases.
The latest red list of Iucn in 2021 puts the nasar population on a decline.
The Pallarapugutta cliff habitat in the ranks of the pilgrimage forest is one of the main breeding sites for long-billed hiering birds.
The Ministry of Forestry has proposed to establish the region as Wildlife Sanctuary Jatayu.
However, the proposal has been stored in cold storage over the past few years.
The proposed level of destruction is 325 square kilometers falling in Bejjur, Penghikikpet, Kouutala and ChintalanePalli Mandals.
This area has a pranathia and peddavagu river.
Pallarapugutta cliffs are 200 meters high and have been identified as the ideal nesting location for Nasar birds.
IUCN said: “Species are placed in the range of 5,000-15,000 adult individuals.
The results of the survey showed that the decline in the entire Indian sub-continent might begin in the 1990s and very quickly.” Heringered bird nests are almost exclusively in the colony on the cliffs and ruins.
Even though in one area where there is no cliff, it has been reported to nest in a tree.
Diklofenac non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are used to treat domestic livestock, have been identified as causes of mortality with kidney failure which results in visceral gout found in most nasar birds.
“The recent ban in Diclofenac in the region, however, it was not eradicated in animal care, because it was still found in the livestock carcass and nasar.
The second medicine for medicine used in India, Ketoprofen, has also been identified deadly for species.
Measurement Residual levels in Ungulate carcasses in India show that they are present in sufficient concentration to cause nasar bird mortality, “IUCN said.
IUCN has recommended full support for the prohibition on the use of Donlofenac veterinarians and encourage efforts to implement the prohibition of other poisonous birds.

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