Children with mental disability are entitled to family retirement: Government – News2IN

Children with mental disability are entitled to family retirement: Government

Children with mental disability are entitled to family retirement: Government
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Minister of Union for Jitendra Singh personnel on Sunday said children who are mentally challenged from a government employee or retirees are entitled to the family retirement and the spirit of this provision need to be understood and respected.
Singh said this must be reaffirmed because some cases have arrived at the welfare of the department of retirement and retirees, banks that do not allow family retirement in connection with children who are mentally challenged, through people nominated by retirees or him.
Couples, and insist on the trusteeship certificate issued by the court.
MOS said the MOD government followed the ‘good government’ spell and ‘ease of life’ for ordinary people.
In that spirit, the nomination allowance for pensions of the family is intended to avoid the hassle to children suffering from mental disability in obtaining a trusteeship certificate from the court or in claiming family retirement after death.
“Insisting the Consultative Certificate by the Bank in these cases defeated the purpose of the nomination and the amount to violate the provisions of the Central Civil Service Regulatory Act (Pension), 2021,” he added.

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