Vidarbha: Covid cases reduce after low testing on Sundays; Daily Toll Rises – News2IN

Vidarbha: Covid cases reduce after low testing on Sundays; Daily Toll Rises

Vidarbha: Covid cases reduce after low testing on Sundays; Daily Toll Rises
Written by news2in

Nagpur: Cases Covid in 11 districts of Vidarbha down on January 31 as reduced daily testing earlier in the day because it was Sunday.
Opposed last week’s average of 25,000 tests per day, nearly 15,000 tests carried out in the region in the past 24 hours.
This region reported 3,873 new cases, which is the lowest since 17 January.
However, there were 23 deaths, the highest daily toll in January so far.
Nagpur district reported 15 deaths and Akola three.
That day also saw 6,914 patients recover in the region.
Nagpur districts perform 7561 tests and 2,160 of them are positive, which means that nearly 28% of the positive test.
Although test less, TPR down in Nagpur is a good indicator.
Overall TPR down in almost every district.
TPR Vidarbha average is 25%.
The number of patients under treatment was reduced to 42 695 and the majority of them are in home isolation.
With a better recovery rate and lower test positivity, it can be said that the current wave is reduced in Vidarbha.
As far as victims, experts have estimated that the death will continue to be reported over the next two weeks.
Akola: Three deaths were reported in the past 24 hours.
A 72-year-old man from New Tapadia Nagar and a 70-year-old woman from Gorakshan Road, both fully vaccinated, received in a critical condition.
While he was in care since January 23, she was accepted on 31 January and died on the same day.
The third death was a 55-year-old man who was not vaccinated from patur.
Akola toll has reached 1,156.
District reported 55 new cases after 540 tests and 192 recovered on Monday.
Now, 1,514 patients were on treatment.
Washim: There were 155 new cases and 170 recovery on Monday.
Now, 1,069 patients were on treatment.
Buldhana: There was a record 794 new cases on Monday after conducting 2,260 tests in the last 24 hours.
Kaselnya is 94.110.
After 359 new recovery, counting so far has reached 90 710, leaving 2,721 patients in care.
Bhandara: Of the 903 tests carried out in the last 24 hours, 94 became positive.
There are 617 recovery.
Now, 1,882 patients were on treatment.
Gondia: A patient with severe comorbidity died on Monday, making it the second death in consecutive days.
Of the 508 tests conducted in the last 24 hours, 133 became positive while there 150 recovery.
Now, the district had 1,292 patients in care.
Gadchiroli: Counts test reduced to 267 on Monday.
Of those, 54 tested positive.
With 43 patients recovered in a day, now 1,272 patients currently in treatment.
Kidney patients died during the treatment found to be positive for Covid.
Now the victim has reached 756.

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