Rajasthan to launch a universal cancer registry – News2IN

Rajasthan to launch a universal cancer registry

Rajasthan to launch a universal cancer registry
Written by news2in

Jaipur: Rajasthan launched universal cancer registration immediately.
Although the illness is one of the biggest killers and cancer footsteps in hospitals has increased over the past few years, the state government does not have an available registry that can accurately show the prevalence of diseases in the state.
For this purpose, the Ministry of Health launched a universal health registry, claiming that it would be one of the good cancer registrats in this country, which is why it has been named the ‘Universal’ Cancer Registry.
“In some countries, they do cancer registry, but it is not universal.
It is limited to several districts in certain circumstances, but here we bring it forward and make it a universal cancer registry.
Universal means it will be implemented throughout the state.
This will show a picture of cancer True across the country, “said a senior health department official.
The Ministry of Health has signed the MoU with the Council of India for medical research, Bangalore, which will help the state government in preparing software for the cancer registry.
“We will identify all hospitals that provide treatment for cancer patients and laboratories, which diagnose diseases in the state.
They will all be associated with software and they will be asked to provide details about every diagnosis of new cancer patients.
The Ministry of Health will look for patient details Like the address, age, medical history of people diagnosed with cancer.
“The benefits of the cancer registry will be more.
We will know what areas have any cancer prevalence.
Like, if a district has the prevalence of high oral cancer, we will find out with the cancer registry, it will help the state government in making policy decisions to reduce the prevalence of cancer and also in strengthening cancer treatment facilities throughout the country, “the official said.

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