Ludhiana: Educational institutions, including universities, colleges and schools (for class VI and so on), polytechnics, itis, training institutions, libraries and training institutions (both government or private), are permitted to reopen from February 7 for physical classes.
Circular countries of the government, “Educational institutions must follow the necessary social distance norms, regular sanitis and behavioral norms that match Covid-19.
Agency can suggest all age group students more than 15 years to have at least the first dose of vaccination, while attending Physical class.
Students will have the option to attend online classes.
“Some city schools will be reopened from Monday and others may need more time.
The Punjab School Federation protested on February 5 against the government, demanding the reopening of educational institutions.
Representative District Federation of Punjab School Manmohan Singh said, “We welcome the decision and will open school from February 7 and so on.
Also, we will also ask the government to also open school for nurseries and so on because the students both suffer.
We will wait for Three days and then protest with parents.
“Mona Singh, Principal of Teacher Nanak, Town Extension Model,” Students from Class VI-IX will be called from Monday after all Covid-19 guidelines.
We have an online exam from February 14 to March 8 Besides that we will do an offline exam for 40 signs.
“” We have adopted mixed mode for the test so students are tailored to both ways.
Offline exams around 40 values will be done so they have a pen practice and paper, “he added.
Open auxiliary schools from Tuesday and so on.
Paramjit Kaur, Principal of BCM Arya, Shastri Nagar, who is also the Coordinator of the City of CBSE, said, “We plan to open school from Tuesday and so on for class VI-XII.
We will Conducr an offline exam.
We have almost 40% of students who are vaccinated at Upper 15 years.
Now, with the opening of the school, students above 15 must be vaccinated or they will be confused.
“Nanak teacher international public school, Town model.
Also opened from Tuesday.
The principal Gurmana Kaur Gill said, “We open for grade 6 to 8 from Tuesday because vaccination is not mandatory for them but for senior students, we will only call vaccinated students.
The percentage of vaccinated students is very low at 20%.
Therefore, people Old will be contacted and request their approval for vaccination and we will hold a vaccination camp for students who are above 15 and below 18.
“Anu Verma, Principal of DAV) School, Police line, said,” We will open for grade 10 – 12 where nearly 75% of students are vaccinated from Tuesday.
For class VIII, we will receive approval from parents and call in staggering ways.
“Some schools have not received back calls.
Principal Ryan International School, Dugri, Shilpi Gurtu said, “We will take 2-3 more days to reopen because we have to clean up the whole school and get ready a little.
We have pre-board planned for class X from February 22 and Now students will get time to revise.
Only a few students are left for vaccination and the rest are vaccinated and they will be sensitive.
“Jaswinder Kaur, Deo Elementary and secondary, said,” School opening is a friendly step because the pre-board is on the corner.
Teacher While in the assignment of elections and it will affect the study.
Now, the focus will mobilize students about vaccination effectively and strategically.