Mumbai: Some habits triggered by pandemics have been stuck with consumers.
Driving when a trend continues to grow and develop when eight out of 10 (83%) Indians say they eat different snacks today compared to what they consumed three years ago.
An annual survey by Harris’s poll for Mondelez, which covers more than 250 respondents in India, found that the same number of consumers imagined there would be more snack choices to be chosen in the next three years.
Because 74% prefer to eat a lot of little food throughout the day, which is contrary to some of the big ones, several meals are also replaced with snacking.
Consumers say they are looking for snacks to improve emotional, mental & physical health.
Mondelez India VP (Marketing) Anil Viswanathan told Toi, “What the first time we observed was a wider trend around the dependence down on three square foods today with people who want snacks more often.
Postemic, when the job shifts to consumers’ home, they start more snacks because they don’t have time to cook food for themselves in the afternoon.
Consumers then return and say snacking actually play a good role in their lives – it’s not just a transactional opportunity – it really is Helping them overcome it, reset and help them connect.
Snacks then begin to take more meaning than we expect through Covid, and that’s what has been manifested in the way we see our business rise back up to 2020 and 2021.
“Consumers also connect some evolution Snack to the stage of life, because 81% said ‘Ringa food n has presented different goals for me in different phases in my life ‘.