Oxygen plants at GMC, ESI and North hospital ready for commissioning: Goa to High Court – News2IN

Oxygen plants at GMC, ESI and North hospital ready for commissioning: Goa to High Court

Oxygen plants at GMC, ESI and North hospital ready for commissioning: Goa to High Court
Written by news2in

PANAJI: In an additional affidavit filed before the high court of Bombay at Goa, the state government has informed that it has already installed and commissioned a 600LMP (litres per minute) PSA oxygen plant at the South Goa district hospital on June 3.
The state government also told the court that it is in the process of installing and commissioning plants at the Goa Medical College, North Goa district hospital and ESI hospital.
A 2,000 LPM PSA oxygen plant has been installed at GMC and a trial run done.
“The same has not been connected to the oxygen line.
The decision on the location of the connection will be made once the patient load in GMC is reduced,” undersecretary health Gautami Parmekar told the high court on Thursday.
Getting on trackDuring the last hearing, the court was told that Goa Medical College would have to shut down one whole floor for optimum utilisation of the PSA oxygen plant, which will be done when the situation improves.
Similarly, 1,000 LPM PSA oxygen plants have been delivered to the North Goa district hospital and ESI hospital and are in the process of being installed and commissioned.
The government has stated that an oxygen plant is not proposed to be taken up at this stage at the Ponda sub-district hospital in the light of space constraints.
The petitioners in the case had pointed out that the Prime Minister’s citizens assistance and relief in emergency situations (PM Care’s Fund Trust), a charitable trust, allocated Rs 201.58 crore for setting up of 162 PSA medical oxygen generation plants inside public health facilities in the country.
It was submitted to the high court that two plants were sanctioned for Goa on January 5 and that these hadn’t been set up.

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