Plant species unlike any in its genus discovered in South Goa – News2IN

Plant species unlike any in its genus discovered in South Goa

Plant species unlike any in its genus discovered in South Goa
Written by news2in

PANAJI: Scientists and researchers from the University of Calicut, together with their counterparts from the Goa University, have discovered a new plant unlike any other in its genus, at Chandreshwar hills in South Goa.
They have named the species ‘Sonerila konkanensis’, referring to the Konkan region where it was discovered.
Sonerila konkanensis grows in wet humus and on damp rock crevices, between elevations of 210 and 280m.
It is a tuberous species with angular stems, lime green leaves, pale pink flowers and anthers that are acuminate (tapering into a long, drawn-out point) to rostrate (having a beak-like projection).
This species is further characterised by its large, leaf-like, persistent bracts that are not reported in any other Sonerila species from India.
In fact, Sonerila konkanensis is currently known only from Chandreshwar hills.
After vegetative growth and flowering, the tubers undergo a period of dormancy within the humus-rich rock crevices, but develop new shoots when the monsoon arrives.
Flowers and fruits have been observed from August to September.
Calicut University professor Santhosh Nampy, researcher Resmi, and the researcher from Goa University Akshatra Pracy Fernandes, discovered the species belonging to the family Melastomataceae and the genus Sonerila during field surveys to Chandreshwar hills.
They found that it was unlike any of the known species.
A total of 90 mature individuals were found.
With Chandreshwar hills being a tourist destination, and considering the possibility of further ecological disturbances of this restricted range species, the researchers have provisionally assessed the new species as ‘vulnerable’ according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.
Details of the species are now published in the international journal, Candollea, of the Conservatory and Botanical Garden of the City of Geneva.
“Many plants are being extinguished from Earth due to the exploitation of nature.
We discover new plants and conduct an in-depth study into the specialities and conservation requirements,” Nampy said.
The researchers said around 50 species of Sonerila were identified from the Western Ghats, one of the major centres of diversity for the genus.
They also said it is likely that more populations in similar habitats in the same hill are not yet known and suggested further surveys to determine the exact distribution range of this species.

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