Kerala: The university exam starts in the middle of the opposition – News2IN

Kerala: The university exam starts in the middle of the opposition

Kerala: The university exam starts in the middle of the opposition
Written by news2in

Thiruvananthapuram: In the middle of a call to postpone the exam, the state university started the UG exam on Monday.
All universities have issued a Covid-19 protocol to be attended by colleges affiliated in examination centers.
However, reports from several campuses showed extensive concessions among students in following strict norms.
Kerala University Provice-Chancellor PP Ajiyakumar said the university exam occurred on incidentfree.
“More than 95 percent of students attend the final semester exam.
Given the restrictions induced by pandemic, Kerala University has established additional exam centers in all districts,” he said.
The University of Kerala’s PG exam will begin today.
435 students at Kerala University have chosen additional exam centers.
University representatives oversee the implementation of the exam in additional centers.
Kerala University authorities say the university has attracted a detailed plan to carry out inspection and paper assessment.
“Only the fifth semester of several courses are currently waiting.
It will be announced without further delays,” said Ajayakumar.

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