Delhi Sizzles at 42 degrees Celsius, relief possibly after July 2 – News2IN
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Delhi Sizzles at 42 degrees Celsius, relief possibly after July 2

Delhi Sizzles at 42 degrees Celsius, relief possibly after July 2
Written by news2in

New Delhi: For the second consecutive day on Wednesday, Delhi witnessed great Heatwa conditions with mercury soaring to 43.5 degrees Celsius, said the Meteorology Department of India (IMD).
The IMD said that the capital might get a pause from the heat on July 2 and July 3 because of light rain.
The IMD regional forecasting center said the emergence of the rainy season would be postponed because the condition was still unfavorable.
On Tuesday, Delhi had witnessed the first severe Heatwave this year with a maximum temperature that jumped up to 43 degrees Celsius.
On Monday, IMD had predicted that Delhi and the closest area had to wait for a week before experiencing the first season’s bath.
After arriving two days late in Kerala, the rainy season has ran across the country, including East India, the middle and side by side in northwestern India, seven to 10 days before the schedule, said IMD.
“Southwest Monsun has so far covered most countries except the parts of Rajasthan, Delhi, Haryana and Punjab.
Since June 19, there has been no progress in the rainy season.
This is mainly due to the impact of southwestern winds of southwest.
And oscillation Julian Julian is not profitable (Mjo) and the absence of the formation of a low pressure system above the northern bay of Bengal, “said IMD.
Previously, the meeting department had said that the wind system could reach Delhi on June 15, which would be 12 days early.
However, the west wind has blocked its progress to Delhi, the Part of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana.
Usually, Monsoon reaches Delhi on June 27 and covers all countries on July 8 (with input from agency)

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