How the founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos might lose the opportunity to be the first billionaire to fly into space – News2IN

How the founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos might lose the opportunity to be the first billionaire to fly into space

How the founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos might lose the opportunity to be the first billionaire to fly into space
Written by news2in

Jeff Bezos was planning a space trip with his brother on July 20 at the space rocket built by his company originating from blue, he announced this last month through post Instagram.
Now after we enter July when the clock ticks, there may be other billionaires that look ready to defeat Bezos on a space trip and become the first billionaire to go into space.
He happened to be Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, who accommodated more than 400 companies in various sectors.
Business Magnate is planning a space trip earlier than Bezos; He planned to fly on July 11 on SpaceFlight Virgin Galactic, exactly nine days before Bezos.
It seems like they look very excited for their space.
While Bezos said that he had dreamed of traveling to the sky since he was five years old, said Branson on Twitter that he was always a dreamer, his mother taught him not to give up and grab the stars.
I have always been a dreamer.
My mother taught me to never give up and grab the stars.
On July 11, it was time for … Richard Branson (@RichardBranson) 1625179098000Branson will travel into space in the rocket of the VSS union as part of the 22 unity mission by the company.
This will bring a full crew into space for the first time consisting of two pilots and four mission specialists in the cabin, one of the specialists who became their own business magnis.
His role involves evaluating customer space experiences.
The July 11 trip will be the 22nd flight test for the fourth VSS and Spaceflight Galactic Unity of Virgin Galactic.
Space flights will be considered globally.
The purpose of Space Tripas per post a virgin galaxy blog, the mission will focus on “evaluating commercial customer cabins with a full crew, including the cabin environment, comfort chairs, weightless experiences, and the view of the earth delivered by spacecraft – all to ensure every moment of travel Astronauts maximize the wonders and admiration created by space and show conditions to conduct research experiments that tend to be human.

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