Post-covid diabetes is a new concern for Kerala – News2IN

Post-covid diabetes is a new concern for Kerala

Post-covid diabetes is a new concern for Kerala
Written by news2in

Kochi: The capital of Indian diabetes has new concerns in the second covid wave that has many young people infected.
Covid -19 triggered new or early diabetes in the state.
“The main consequences of Covid, we are afraid that we are increasing populations with diabetes who will need a lifetime treatment.
According to statistics, India has 77 million diabetic patients but now post-covid we are worried that the number has touched more than 90 million.
There is an increase in type diabetes 1 and type 2 because of Covid.
Now, there are reports about some children also diagnosed with type 1.
Diabetes we need to act immediately or in five to 10 years there will be a big surge in unqualitive diseases here, “said Dr.
Jothydev Kesavadev, Diabetologists, who are also part of the team of international diabetes research scientists who recommend that post-covid blood glucose are considered the fifth vital sign in patients who are hospitalized, regardless of whether they suffer from diabetes or not.
With pre-covid research shows that the prevalence of diabetes in Kerala as high as 20% – more than double the national average of 8%, the state health department is now in the process of gathering information about the number of people who have developed diabetes or post-covid hypertension.
“Meanwhile, if anyone comes to the post-covid clinic with symptoms of diabetes, their blood sugar levels will be checked soon.
DEVELOCTION DIABETES is the key,” said Dr.
Bipin K Gopal, Nodal Officer, non-contagious disease control program, Directorate service Health, Kerala.
Treating doctors said that new diabetes in Covid-19 patients may be caused by a reasonable viral interaction with ACE 2 receptors (angiotensin-conversion-2) which are located in the essential metabolic tissue, including pancreas, small intestines and kidneys.
Another possible factor according to them is the use of steroids indiscriminately.
“There is also an opportunity that the person suffers from this disease, but it is not diagnosed before or they may be genetically at risk with mild stressors such as being overweight and lifestyle that settled,” Dr.
Bipin added.
The doctor admitted that they even saw young patients who did not have a problem of blood sugar or a family history of diabetes who developed post-covid disease.
“I recently had two cases of post-covid diabetes, a 25-year-old man and a 15-year-old boy.
Initially their sugar levels were very high but after two weeks down.
The good news is that there is a reduction in fast sugar levels In covid-induced diabetes and because this intensive therapy is short-term, “said Dr.
Joseph K Joseph, an internal medical consultant and diabetology, VPS Lakeshore Hospital.

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