Joe Biden said the teacher deserves ‘salary increases, not just praise’ – News2IN

Joe Biden said the teacher deserves ‘salary increases, not just praise’

Joe Biden said the teacher deserves 'salary increases, not just praise'
Written by news2in

Washington: Speaking to the largest teacher union in the country, President Joe Biden said Friday that pandemics had given American parents “major education” to the challenges of teaching profession.
But even more, he said, last year had proven that the teacher crossed A.S.
Worth getting a higher pay.
“You deserve a salary increase, not just praise,” said Biden in a speech at the annual meeting of the National Education Association in Washington.
“Every parent in this country spends last year educating their children at home understands that you deserve a salary increase.” Biden made the case while selling a proposed legislative priority and budget for next year, which included USD 20 billion in new funds aimed at spurring the country to increase teacher salaries.
Allies near the union, the President continued to describe educators as “the only most important component of the American future.” Biden and First Mother Jill Biden commented on the most empty Washington Convention Center while Union members watched virtually.
Biden was the first president in history recently to overcome the labor group, which 3 million members included his wife, an old community college professor.
After one year where some teachers, unions were evil for slowing down the return to the classroom, the President and his wife had no compliment.
Jill Biden called teacher heroes who adapt last night to support students and families.
“You talk to reopen school and more student support,” he said.
“You bring a family through the darkest years in modern history with patience, affection and care.
And you do everything while you are worried about your own health and education and safety.” The president mostly uses a speech to push the proposal.
He made a case for the bipartisan infrastructure agreement, including his plan to increase broadband access.
He said the problem was placed naked last year because many children struggled to access the remote classes offered by their schools.
He promotes the American family plan, which will offer two years of free community college for all Americans, along with two years of preschool for all children aged 3 and 4 years.
And he submitted further investment for teachers, including proposals to double the number of federal grants for prospective teachers and to improve career training for teachers at this time.
Both the nation’s main trade union supported Biden as a presidential candidate, and he continued to approach them since the election.
While introducing Biden, President Nea Becky Pringle praised Biden to nominate Miguel Cardona, a former teacher and principal, to lead the Ministry of Education.
Some Republicans accused Biden because it was too close to a strong trade union, said he should take stronger actions to suppress the teachers to return to instructions directly.
And some say their goals to have most of the elementary and secondary schools are reopened in the 100 goals he achieved in May – not ambitious enough.
Biden discussed the Union Days before the July fourth holiday he said had to be celebrated as a “summer of freedom” when the nation recovered from Coronavirus.
He attracted attention to the recent survey by teachers who discovered that 84 percent of its members were vaccinated.
But he also look forward to challenges when school works to recover from a pandemic.
“On Sunday we will celebrate our independence as a nation, and our progress against the virus,” he said.
“In the future, we have the opportunity to make another start, the beginning of the education system that is stronger and more just.
But it cannot be done without you.”

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