Delhi’s boy looked for sponsors to undergo his dream – News2IN

Delhi’s boy looked for sponsors to undergo his dream

Delhi's boy looked for sponsors to undergo his dream
Written by news2in

New Delhi: ABHHEKEK AGRAYA 21 year old Delhi, a Mechanical Engineering student, who previously participated in the Organization of Research and Defense Development (DRDO) for research and training, has received an invitation from around 50 foreign research centers but lack of money.
Proven major obstacles to realize his dream.
Born in the middle class family down in the Mayur area of ​​East Delhi, he has received an internship offer from Oxford University and US Pennsylvania State University and Illinois University, among others.
However, he did not have enough money to continue his research (as he claims) and found another way to fulfill his dream.
Happy! You have managed to throw your votelogin to see Resulthaving realize that only sponsors can provide the opportunity to continue their research studies, he has written to the Government Delhi and has requested sponsors.
In a letter aimed at the Minister of Chief Justice of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal and Education Minister Delhi Manish Sisodia, he said that in the past year when the whole world was locked, he pocketed several research offers from around 18 countries.
“Coming from a humble background, financial difficulties are the biggest obstacle on my journey.
My family who is economically disabled is not enough to support me in research work.
I desperately looked for a sponsor to visit a prestigious foreign university from January 2022,” his letter Read.
He has also written the same letter as the Minister of Education Union Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ and MPs (MP) from Delhi Timur – Gautam Gambir and have asked to provide sponsors so that he can continue research and study.
However, it has been more than 10 days (letter sent on June 22), he has not received guarantees or replies, so far.
“My vision is to explore my knowledge through research in various fields relating to pure and mathematical engineering and science.
I want to win a medal for the country and I believe that I can do it,” Abhishek said when talking to Ivers.
Abhishek, a third machine engineering student at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (Tiet), Patiala, tried hard to engrave his success story.
He said he currently collaborated with several institutions remotely on various themes of research ranging from pure and applied mathematics for condensed material physics, material science, chemical and chemical biology.
Initially, he said, it looked like the Himalayan task but once everything became clear, everything became easy.
“It is very rare for students to receive research offers in the field of engineering, pure science & mathematics, but I was fortunate to get this opportunity and now all depends on the money needed for research,” he added.
He said, researching and exploring something new every day has become love for his life.
“The research pulled me from the start because I didn’t like to follow what was in the mainstream.
I constantly want to explore something new,” Abhishek said.
He said that he had to learn from other sources for his research as a topic he focused was not taught at the undergraduate level and they were mostly studied during the post-doctoral or PhD level.
“Because all my work is research oriented and becomes multidisciplinary, I study various aspects of pure mathematics, mechanical and aerospace techniques, material science, physics and penrose formalism.” she says.
Apart from Drdo, he also worked with IIT Bombay on the interaction of liquid structures and IIT Kanpur in the dynamics of the fluid and had offers from the Institute Center in Kharagpur, Indore and Madras.
When asked about which university he would like if the sponsor would be given, he said it would give the first preference to Oxford University.
“I always believe that if they (Iitian) can get there, why can’t I?” He concluded.

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