VNIT student patent machine to take fry from all fryingers – News2IN

VNIT student patent machine to take fry from all fryingers

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Nagpur: If you are often worried about Magok snacks, getting burns or stains while frying your food, here is a cool solution from VNIT mechanical engineering students.
Given the boring things and danger of frying food, the researchers have designed and developed a multipurpose frying machine to fry in all types of snacks, such as Pogio, Samosa, Alubonda, Sabudana Wada etc., in addition to doing other tasks.
The machine can also turn on all items that are fried in one time to maintain uniformity in cooking and texture.
It can delete all fried items from the frying pan at once.
It has settings to filter oil to get rid of debris.
It maintains the quality of oil and fried products remain clean.
Heating is hybrid.
Oil can be heated using an electric coil or Conventional Cylinder LPG burner.
Rotating side items during frying pan is manual and automatic oil pump.
This machine can be upgraded to make it fully automatic according to requirements.
This product recently received a patent and is now available for orders, said press release by VNIT.
Rashmi Udanwadiker, Associate Professor at VNIT Nagpur, has submitted a proposal to Khadi and Industrial Village Commission (KVIC) to design and develop a semi-automatic frying machine.
Jitesh Deshmukh works under Uddanwadiker as part of his MTech project.
The work starts with identifying problems at traditional frying stations.
Handle hot fried skimmers, handle oil with various pots, oil filtration, keep oil temperature for some fried items, and continuously reverse fried items with the help of scrimmers screens or spoons one by one are some problems.
All of these problems finally cause fatigue from the cook when they have to operate without stopping.
VC Bhujade, technical assistant, engine engineering department, assisted in machine fabrication and was actively involved in testing the machine.
The experiment showed that this new frying machine would be a milestone in the Indian frying method because of its sophisticated techniques, said press release.
How it works * The rectangular part of the machine is the main component where the product is fried * the part is installed on the main stand with a lever to retrieve and change the item * The rotation mechanism consists of a sprocket chain setting * knife and mechanism installed on the frame operated with a lever * tray perforated acting as a skimmer and AIDS in deletion of products that are easy to use lever * flow control valves installed in the frying part * Oil parts above and the water section is installed at the bottom, with a mounted mounted on the left side of the left side * pump on the left, section Oil is connected to the frying part with a pipe

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