Equipped in Gujarat: major violators of big cities – News2IN

Equipped in Gujarat: major violators of big cities

Equipped in Gujarat: major violators of big cities
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: Analysis of figures shows that the highest number of mask violations is registered in four big cities of country: Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Letter and Vadodara.
This trend has been seen because these cities have a large population and the police continue to hold the drive against people without masks.
Senior police officers said that Ahmedabad City had a population of around 60 lakh and had registered 6.63 lakh cases of mask violations between June 24, 2020, and 28 June 2021.
This means that more than 10% of the city population was arrested by police because it was not wearing a mask They paid Rs 53.21 Crore in a fine.
Similarly, other major cities also recorded the high number of violations of masks and the total fines collected from four major cities have reached almost Rs 117 Crore.
The state has collected Rs 253 Crore in a fine between June 24, 2020, and 28 June 2021, and major cities contributed nearly 47% of fine masks to the state.
This large collection came even after the police showed a soft approach in collecting a fine during the festival season in October last year and during the local agency poll in February this year.

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