You need to know about Swamy’s booth – News2IN

You need to know about Swamy’s booth

You need to know about Swamy's booth
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Priest-Acticist Stan Swamy, was arrested under the anti-terror law in the case of Elgar Parishad, died at Mumbai Hospital on Monday in the middle of his struggle for the health yard.
This is what you need to know about Stan Swamy: * Stan Lourduswamy, known as Swamy’s booth, is a Jesuit priest and a tribal rights activist who died in Mumbai on July 5, 2021.
* Stan Swamy served as Director of the Indian Social Institute in Indonesia Bengaluru From 1975 to 1986.
Swamy 84 years old was the oldest person accused of terrorism in India.
* Swamy who was born in Trichy in Tamil Nadu studied theology and did host sociology at Manila University in the 1970s.
* In 2016, it was transferred by the fate of adivated prisoners in a tribal state, many of which shopped incorrectly as ‘Naxalites, Swamy conducted research on those published as reports entitled’ Less than the right to natural resources, Get Adivasis Prison: A study About undertrials on Jharkhand ‘.
* His studies found that 31 percent undistrials and a little more than a third of prisoners were tribes.
The percentage of tribal in prison is much higher than the proportion of their population.
* Later he studied at Brussels where he attacked friendship with the Archbishholder of Camara whose work between Brazil was poor influenced him.
* As an activist for tribes in Jharkhand about thirty years ago, he worked for the release of tribal youth from prison, often in cases where they were accused of mistakenly.
He took the causes of marginalized tribes after their land was taken over for dams, mines and cities, often without their consent.
* The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on October 9 last year has submitted an accusation sheet against eight people, including the Swamy Stan Pastor, because of their alleged involvement in inciting the masses on violence in Bhima Koregaon near Pune on January 1, 2018.
* Two days before Nia took it To detention in connection with the case of the Koregaon Bhim, the Jesuit Imam claims strict laws such as UPA are misused to capture tribes not severely in video messages.
* Swamy was transferred to the hospital from Taloja prison after he suffered a heart attack early Sunday morning.

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