MAHA: Focus on hotspots in a diet with high active cases – News2IN

MAHA: Focus on hotspots in a diet with high active cases

MAHA: Focus on hotspots in a diet with high active cases
Written by news2in

Pune: The Ministry of Health Public has told the 10-district authorities with a high number of active cases to concentrate on the identification of hotspots, increasing supervision by conducting a quick antigen test (mouse) in the maximum number of people and the early patients.
The State Public Ministry of Health in a report submitted to the state government on Sunday states that 10 districts with high infections, Pune, Thane, Kolhapur, Mumbai and Sangli are 60% of the total active cases in the state.
A total of 9,336 cases were added on Sunday, taking the number of active cases in the state to 1.23 lakh.
“We have directed the authority of Pune, Thane, Kolhapur, Mumbai and Sangli to identify hotspots and cover this area with a fast antigen test (mouse).
The aim is for the earliest positive isolates.
They must start micro detention steps and improve Contact search, “State Supervision Expert Dr.
Pradeep Awat said on Monday.
In addition to the five regencies, Satara, Ratnagiri, Raigal, Sindhudurg and Nashik are other government concerns.
Members of the State Task Force, Dr.
Shashank Joshi said, “We have marked 10 districts as ‘concerned districts’ and put them with red warnings.
Tricter Curbs must be in place there because we do not want the Genomi version of Delta or Delta-Plus variants In the districts of this.
“He said,” 25 of the remaining districts must also ensure strict compliance with the Covid protocol, intensify the RT-PCR test and maintain a positive level below 5%.
We want to saturate these two months with aggressive vaccination.
” Dr.
Subhash Salunkhe, the state technical expert and members of the task force at the state and national level, “Some districts witnessed the increase in cases.
This shows that we still have not followed the Covid protocol.
We must be careful.
We still haven’t again said that we are At the end of the second wave of pandemic.
If the protocol is followed and the detention steps already exist, there must be a decrease in the cases starting July 15-20.

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