Bullocks die, siblings put the yoke above the shoulder, the plow field – News2IN

Bullocks die, siblings put the yoke above the shoulder, the plow field

Bullocks die, siblings put the yoke above the shoulder, the plow field
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: With a pair of Bullocks they died in an accident and family not in a position to buy another couple, two brothers in the village of Domeda in the Muluugu District of Telangana put the yoke around their shoulders to hijack their land.
Their financial conditions were such that they had no choice but to replace Bullocks.
Elder both, Narendar Babu, has BSC and the title of bed and has worked as a teacher for several years.
His sister Srinivas, with a master in social work (MSW), works as a computer operator at an educational institution in Hyderabad.
“But we find it difficult to meet your needs,” said Narendar Babu to Ti.
He left his job as a math teacher four years ago and settled in his village because his wages were not good enough.
“The last two years are more difficult because of Covid.
My sister and I have worked as coolies to get whatever amount we can under Mnreg,” Narendar said.
Srinivas returned to the village when the institution he worked to be closed in the lock and he could not find a job.
Besides not having money to buy bulls, employ tractors are also not affordable.
That’s when the brothers decided to replace Bullocks and plow the field along with their father.
“It’s difficult but we have no choice,” said Narendar, who was married and had two children.
He has submitted a ration card but not far.
Their father, Sammaiiah, tried to buy a pair of Jullocks with the RS 60,000 which had been saved.
But a pair of healthy and young bullocks cost up to Rs 75,000.
The family gets ‘Rythu Bandhu’ from the Telangana Government but they need a little more to grow land and grow rice.
Sammaiiah said, “I work hard and make my children educated.
I hope they will get government work.
But this doesn’t happen.
My two sons returned home because they did not have a means of livelihood.
I have spent all my savings.
Financial, our family is in a bad situation.

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