Timeline: Tokyo is delayed and disturbing 2020 games – News2IN

Timeline: Tokyo is delayed and disturbing 2020 games

Timeline: Tokyo is delayed and disturbing 2020 games
Written by news2in

Tokyo: Olympic organizers have decided to hold a Tokyo match without the audience, as it fought for Japan to stem the new wave of Coronavirus infection with an emergency for Tokyo which will end after July 23-August.
8 games.
The following is the time line of major events in run-up to the Olympics, postponed for a year and set to open in about two weeks: September 2013: Tokyo was awarded the Olympics 2020 after convincingly defeating rivals and Madrid for the right to hold the game for The second time, after first accommodating them in 1964.
2020 January: Coronavirus declared the health of the global public health by the World Health Organization because the worries grew in Japan that the plague could threaten the game.
February 2020: A number of international sports events, including the Olympic qualification tournament, canceled or postponed.
With under five months to go before the event, Deputy Director General of the Tokyo 2020 Preparation Bureau in the city government said they did not have a plan B for the game even though there was alarm above the spread of viruses in Japan and elsewhere.
March 2020: Apart from the organizing committee stated earlier in the month the preparation will continue as planned and the International Olympic Committee said it would continue according to the original schedule, the game was postponed a year.
January 202: The Japanese government continues to hold a match, repeatedly insisting on holding an event in the middle of a pandemic even though polls show the majority of Japanese people want them to be delayed or canceled.
March: Olympic Torch Relay began, starting a four-month countdown to the Olympics, even though the celebration was reduced back because Coronavirus Curbs.
The organizer said the international audience would not be allowed to enter Japan during the match, with decisions about local fans to be made in June.
May 18: Tokyo Medical Practitioner Association throws his weight behind the call to cancel the game, said the hospital was overwhelmed because the country fought on a surge in Covid-19 case.
May 21: Reuters survey found nearly 70% of Japanese companies want Tokyo Olympics to be canceled or postponed.
May 26: The White House reaffirmed his support for the Tokyo plan to hold a match and for athletes A.S.
Compete there despite issuing government advisors to travel to Japan.
Editorial in the Japanese Asahi Shimbun newspaper, the official match partner, called for the Olympics to be canceled, quoting risks to public safety and strains on the medical system.
May 27: The head of the Japanese Doctor said the match in Tokyo could lead to the appearance of the “Olympic” strain, but a member of the Senior International Olympic Committee said the game would go “Armageddon restrictions”.
June 13: Group seven rich countries said in communiques after the summit of a leader in Cornwall that they supported the Tokyo Olympic holding this year.
June 23: The release panickel guidelines forbade alcohol, toddlers and speaks hard to reduce the number of Olympic ticket holders who are allowed to places, such as signs of Tokyo a month open.
June 29: Tokyo decided to move the first half of the 15-day Olympic torch relay scheduled to take place in the public road capital, the Metropolitan government said, as the number of Coronavirus infection showed signs of a surge again.
July 6: Organizers asked the public not to gather on the streets of Sapporo for Marathon and Race Walk, world athletics decisions, the management agency for the sport, said it was inconsistent with the rules that allowed up to 10,000 spectators in Tokyo places, many in the room , July 8: Olympic organizers decided to hold a Tokyo match without a spectator under the restrictions on Coronavirus when Japan struggled to stem the wave of new infections with emergencies in Tokyo.

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