Afghanistan Taliban said capturing the main border junction with Iran – News2IN

Afghanistan Taliban said capturing the main border junction with Iran

Afghanistan Taliban said capturing the main border junction with Iran
Written by news2in

KABUL: The Taliban said on Friday they won the biggest border in Afghanistan with Iran, because the rebels continued to blister across throughout the country.
“The Islamic port of Qala is now under our full control and we will try to put it back in operation today,” Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman for the rebels, told AFP.
There is no direct confirmation of the decline in the border intersection of the government, and the Taliban claims cannot be independently verified.
Islam Qala is one of the main ports in Afghanistan, where Kabul holds most of its official trade with Iran.
This is the second main border that crossed the rebels had been arrested because they launched a sweeping attack in early May when US-led foreign troops began their final withdrawal.
Last month the Taliban won the Khan Bandar shirts, Afghan’s main border crossed with Tajikistan, after a fierce battle that saw hundreds of Afghan troops fled to neighboring countries.

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