What Bill Gates said about Steve Jobs and the launch of iTunes – News2IN

What Bill Gates said about Steve Jobs and the launch of iTunes

What Bill Gates said about Steve Jobs and the launch of iTunes
Written by news2in

Their competition is quite famous for two leading CEOs in the world’s largest technology company.
Back in the 80s and 90s, Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs and Microsoft Bill Gates Co-Founder did not really see the eyes to oversee many things.
However, there is an admiration too, which gate has been spoken since Jobs died 2011.
Now, an old email has been excavated by the gateway to Microsoft employees after Apple launched iTunes service in 2003.
Email has been published by @Techemails Twitter account.
This account is known for digging emails sent by large technology companies.
In this email, Gates said how the work had the power to “make people who get the user interface correctly” to sell products and services as “amazing things.” The email was sent by Gates to his employees on April 30, 2003.
Email Gates suggested that Microsoft also plan to start your own online music service.
However, Apple defeated them by launching the iTunes store.
There is admiration for work in the email written by the gate.
“Steve work the ability to focus on some things that are taken into account, making people who get the user interface correctly and the market because the revolutionary is extraordinary things,” he wrote.
He also said that the road work managed to deliver itun rather “strange for him”.
“This time he has somehow applied his talent in getting a better license agreement than anyone else who gets music.
It’s very strange to me.
The music company that has operations has a service that is really not friendly to the user and has been reviewed that way Consistently, “Gates told Microsoft employees.
Microsoft wants to have its own music subscription service as Gates told the employees that “even though the work made us a little flat again” they need to match and make something better than Apple quickly.
However, the idea, however, never realized but Apple finally changed the way music consumed by quite a lot of people.

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