Rajasthan: Witty cartoon urges people to talk – News2IN

Rajasthan: Witty cartoon urges people to talk

Rajasthan: Witty cartoon urges people to talk
Written by news2in

Jaipur: Senior Officer Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has started an online campaign to spread awareness about corruption and make people aware of their rights and options if they become victims of the graft.
They have begun to circulate the message of consciousness with caricature, bells and poems to make people aware of their rights under a campaign on various social media platforms.
The messages were distributed by ACB officers to the police and for those who were complainants or witnesses in their case.
The messages are in Hindi and Rajasthani so they can attack chords with people and urge people to approach ACB if they become victims of corruption.
Toi on Sunday talked to ACB’s senior officer who stated that the number of complaints through various platforms provided by the Bureau had increased and these messages played a key role in it.
“We have a cartoonist team and content writers who have volunteered to do it for us.
We just gave them a rude idea and they came up with a fantastic caricature and a surge,” Bl Soni, Director General, ACB told Toi.
He added that after approval, these messages were sent to various social media platforms and other groups.
“We want people to talk to corruption and they must approach us without having trouble or fear,” Soni added.
“In each message, we share our toll-free numbers and whatsapp numbers so that people can freely submit their complaints.
These messages are regularly sent to our Whatsapp group, witnesses, complainants and district units,” he added.
One message reads – “Rishwat Maange Aap SE, Rubber Kar Lo Lo Battein, ACB to the playlist, Deo Bhai Chep” (if someone asks for bribes, record the call, come to the ACB office and submit it there).

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