Up doc airlifted to HYD for Lung Transplants – News2IN

Up doc airlifted to HYD for Lung Transplants

Up doc airlifted to HYD for Lung Transplants
Written by news2in

Lucknow: The hope of survival took the wing for a doctor’s 31-year-old Sharda Susan, which was flown to KimS, Hyderabad, on Sundays for the lung transplant procedure after Covid-19 destroyed his breathing organs.
A resident doctor with RAM Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical (RMLIs), he struggled for a lifetime for more than two months before the government quickly gave a sanction of Rs 1.5 Crore for the saving operation of the soul.
He reached Hyderabad after a 2-hour flight from Lucknow, straddling the green corridor in both cities for fast and smooth movements.
Read Sanction Alsoyogi Adityanath Government RS 1.5 Crore for LUCKNOW LUCKNOW LUCKNOW LUCKNOW MEDICOALLOCATION RS by the state government for emergency lung transplants on Tuesday comes as a ray of hope for 31 years Sharan, a doctor at the RML Medical Institute (RMLim ), Fighting a lifetime for the past two months after Covid-19 caused damage that could not be repaired by Tolen Saturday, a team of four members of Kims, Hyderabad, arrived at Lucknow and examined patients around midnight for pre-transplantation assessment.
Because the brief withdrawal of the advanced life support system (ECMO) can proven fatal, the conditions are reviewed in the morning.
The KIMS medical team then moved it to their own ECMO facility and after monitoring the stability for several hours, the trip to Hyderabad began.
Summer reached safely and was at the ICU KIMS,” said Prof.
PK Das, Head of Anesthetic Department, RMLMS, who had treated a resident doctor since May 1.
It was an emotional sender for sobbing colleagues and members of the Faculty of RMLIs pray for a safe trip , The green corridor opened from RMLim to the Amausi airport and from Hyderabad airport to KimS to make traffic jams.
He was in the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) during the trip.
ECMO is used to pump and oxenate the blood of patients out of the body, allowing the heart and lungs to rest.
Starting at 11 o’clock in the morning from RMLim, it took 30 minutes to reach Amausi airport before a two-hour trip through the air ambulance to Hyderabad.
Her husband, Dr.
Ajay Kumar, and Dr.
Das accompanied him to Lucknow airport.
“The lung transplant procedure at KIMS will take time because he needs to be stabilized and treated because of any condition that might have developed during the flight.
After that, the suitable Cadaveric donor will be found with compatible groups and blood sizes.
Experts will specifically Suitable with human leukocyte (HLA) antigens from patient patients and Cadacerik.
HLA is a protein in the immune system and plays an important role in accepting or rejecting organs, “Dr.
Das explained.
Suman, a graduate population in the Gynecology Department of RMLIs, was eight months pregnant when he signed Covid-19 on April 14, while serving in the non-covid emergency ward.
He was hospitalized in the Covid ward and when his condition deteriorated, he was placed on the ventilator and the C-section operation was carried out to save his child.
Baby girl is fine, said the doctor to Ti.
But Dr.
Suman continued to sink and then put ECMO and the expert team recommended the lung transplant on July 1, Medical Inspector Dr.
Vikram Singh met with Yogi Adityanath’s main minister, who gave Sanction Rs 1.5 Crore for the operation on July 6.
NityaAnd on Sunday thanked CM again for movement.
Head of the Department of Lung Medical and Critical, Medical University of Raja George (KGMU), Prof.
Ved Prakash, said that the greatest risk of lung transplantation is a rejection of organs by the immune system.
Therefore, patients are given immunosuppressants for life, which can make them vulnerable to side effects.
However, with modern medicines there is a 50% chance to survive for five years.
Even after transplantation, Dr.
Sum may need to stay in bio bubbles to avoid infection.

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