World Gold Council, GJEC Ink Pact to Promote Gold Jewelry in India – News2IN

World Gold Council, GJEC Ink Pact to Promote Gold Jewelry in India

World Gold Council, GJEC Ink Pact to Promote Gold Jewelry in India
Written by news2in

New Delhi: World Gold and Gem Promotion Board and Jewelry Export Promotion Board (GJEPK) has signed an agreement to promote gold jewelry in India this year, according to a statement.
Under the provisions of the agreement, the two partners will jointly fund the multi-media marketing campaign that will aim to increase awareness, relevance and adoption of gold jewelry among Indian consumers, especially the millennium and a new generation, the GJPC said in the statement on Monday.
Citing reports, he said even though young women are active gold jewelry consumers, their future purchasing intentions can be higher.
It is mainly true in urban areas and can be achieved if gold jewelry trade can take advantage of consumer desires for self-expression and prestige, said the council.
“This finding presents the opportunity for the gold industry to work collectively to make gold jewelry more relevant and contemporary, which leads to a consequential shift.
This joint partnership will work to make gold jewelry more relevant and desirable through the inspiring multi-media campaign,” Added.
Somasundaram PR, Regional CEO, India, World Gold Council, said good corpses will work together in campaigns that strengthen universal messages about gold in a person’s life while positioning Indian-made jewelry in the modern context.
Colin Shah, Chairperson, GJEC, said the goal was to develop a sustainable model for industrial-led initiatives to encourage the growth of gold jewelry on the market and encourage consumption in India.
“I believe that, while there is a new interest in handmade gold jewelry, we need a creative solution to match the sensitivity of the aesthetics of contemporary women,” Shah said.
Watch the World Gold Council, GJEC ​​sign agreement to promote gold jewelry in India

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