Don’t wait for the 3rd wave, try to prevent it, say PM Narendra Modi – News2IN

Don’t wait for the 3rd wave, try to prevent it, say PM Narendra Modi

Don't wait for the 3rd wave, try to prevent it, say PM Narendra Modi
Written by news2in

New Delhi: PM Modi on Tuesday said the focus must now be on how to prevent the third wave of Covid-19 rather than discussing when it will be about India.
PM’s comments to the chief minister of northeastern countries came even when the top government officials highlighted the evidence to show the third wave had been formed throughout the world and emphasized the need to measure steps and alert.
They said the warning from the third wave was being discussed casually by means of weather reports.
“It is true that tourism and business have been very affected because Corona, but today I will say very emphasis that it does not have a large crowd at the hilly and market stations without a mask,” Modi said during his CMS with CMS.
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Citing examples of countries such as Britain, Russia, Bangladesh and Indonesia who witnessed the surge in Covid-19 cases after a decline, health officials raised concerns over the number of cases reported from all over the world.
“When we talk about the third wave, we consider it as weather renewal and do not understand our seriousness and responsibilities associated with it,” Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Lav Agarwal, said on the media briefing.
“The number of higher cases is reported throughout the world.
This is a serious concern for us.
We must understand the trajectory of cases in our country and also outside, and taking precautions in accordance with infection cannot spread again in our country,” Agarwal said.
In his interaction, PM talked about the need to detect the initial signal of increasing the number of cases in several districts and taking strict action at the micro level by creating a detention zone to avoid further deployment.
PM will also interact with CMS from Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Odisha, Maharashtra and Kerala on July 16.
“The world witnesses the third wave.
We must join hands to ensure that the third wave is not about India,” said Niti Aayog member Dr.
V K Paulus, expressed a similar concern above the people who packed the station and market that observed precautions.
Daily new cases overall throughout the world have increased to 3.9 lakh (July 12), which is almost 40% of the 9 lakh cases reported on April 29 during the second wave.
Different increases in cases were also seen in the UK and Russia with more than 34,000 and 25,000 everyday cases reported each after a decline.
Neighboring Bangladesh and Indonesia also witnessed a serious surge in the case.
In India, while the overall case is on a downward track, the government is concerned about several countries report an increase in the number of cases that can lead to broader deployment with the absence of direct steps.
As many as 31,443 new Covid-19 cases were recorded from all over the country on Monday, taking the total active case to more than 4.31 lakh cases.
Although the government recognizes the impact of tourism and business pandemic, it rejects the argument that people have been locked up in their home long and therefore want to enjoy before the third wave arrives.
Increase concerns over evil violations of Covid norms and people give reasons not to wear masks and follow physical distance, the government says it is a continuous battle between viruses and humans without space for satisfaction.
PM also asks the state to accelerate vaccination and rope in celebrities and people from the social, religious and education sectors to encourage people to take Jab.
He also underlined the need to establish a temporary hospital because of the northeast geographical situation and prepared trained workers.
PM highlights the need to add testing infrastructure in the district affected by priorities to ensure aggressive testing along with random testing.

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