In a rare case, HS Purpura triggers post-covid stomach pain in adolescents – News2IN

In a rare case, HS Purpura triggers post-covid stomach pain in adolescents

In a rare case, HS Purpura triggers post-covid stomach pain in adolescents
Written by news2in

Nagpur: It took more than 15 days and many clinical investigations before the children of the city concluded that Purpura Henoch-Schonlein (HS) – an abnormality that caused blood vessels in the skin, joints, kidneys and intestines for inflammation and bleeding – is the possibility of post-covid Complications of a 14-year-old girl from Narendra Nagar.
After being diagnosed, teenagers who are now restored are placed on immunosuppressant injections and anti-inflammatory seven days to reduce extraordinary abdominal pain in June.
Paedertician Dr Avinash Gawande said it was a rare combination of complications of HS purpura and post-covid.
The disorder is mostly seen in children under seven.
HS Purpura is an idiopathic – when the cause of the disease is unknown.
Most occur when immunity is low.
“Documentation of more cases and studies is needed to ensure the prevalence of patients restored covid,” he said.
In June the first week, patients were treated in private hospitals for 10 days and were investigated for dengue fever, urinary infection, covid, malaria antigens, blood tests including CBC.
It still hasn’t been detected, his parents took him to Dr.
Gawande after five days out.
Interestingly, the teenager was Covid negative when some family members were tested positive in April-May, Dr.
Gawande said.
Finally, Dr.
Gawande prescribed an antibody test which turned out to be positive.
“He has a history of vomiting, abdominal pain, and greenish benches.
Except for the total leukocyte count (TLC) which is 15,400 all normal tests.
Gastroscopy and biopsy have also been carried out before coming to me.
Stomach pain does not subside while he has also developed a mild rash in the limbs Down.
Scan HRCT and the stomach is also normal.
Therefore, I prescribed the Covid antibody test which turned out to be positive, “he said.
Gawande added, “When he has a patient restored covid, it can be concluded that Covid triggers HS Purpura.
Stomach pain is caused by HS Purpura.
Some virus infections have been linked as a trigger factor for HS Purpura.
In this case, the diagnosis of HS Purpura is confirmed.
For Seeing his relationship with Covid, an antibody test done.
This is a rare combination.
Post-covid status is the reason for HS Purpura.
“Asked about the length of the duration taken for diagnosis, Dr.
Gawande said sometimes the symptoms appear late.
“Initially, he was accepted for evaluating stomach and gastritis due to vomiting.
Then, I treated it based on OPTD and injected methylprednisolone – Anti-inflammatory immunosuppressant – one for seven days.
So far the doctors have not found other cases of HS Purpura among patients Restored Covid in this district.

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