Man Dies of Covid in April, got 2th 2x shot in July! – News2IN

Man Dies of Covid in April, got 2th 2x shot in July!

Man Dies of Covid in April, got 2th 2x shot in July!
Written by news2in

Ahmedabad: The text sms on his cellphone finally rubbed the salt in the wound of a son who was still grieving over his father’s death to Covid-19.
Almost three months after Parmar Vershibhai cremated his father Harji Lakshman Parmar (70) who died in Coronavirus on April 23 at a private hospital in Tharad, Banskantha, his son was surprised to get a message on July 14, Congratulations that his father had managed to get both Covid vaccine shots 19.
Vershi, who felt his father was still alive if they got an oxygen bed on time, the system said and his vaccine error had added to their insults.
“My father never went for vaccination.
He didn’t get his first shot,” he said.
This is one of the many wrong vaccination messages sent through the Cowin vaccine portal in the state where some people die and those who are not vaccinated are reported to send vaccination messages.
A man has died because there is no enough oxygen bed available to provide timely care.
Ironically, the system varies it against Covid-19.
How did they achieve this achievement, “asked Parmar Vershibhai Reeling under the pain of losing his father.
Residents of Radosan Village in Suigam Taluka from Banokantha District, Vershibhai’s father, Harji was tested positive on April 17 and his condition began to deteriorate.” I ran for three days from One hospital went to another hospital but no beds were available.
I saw people panting outside the Palanpur civil hospital begging to help in vain.
Finally on April 20, we found a private hospital in Tharad where the authorities asked us to acknowledge our father the next day.
Meanwhile, the oxygen saturation has begun to dip to a dangerous level of 70, “Kenangan Vershibhai.
Within a few days in hospitalization, Harji surrendered to Covid-19.” State administration must be checked by the system to ensure the right person gets updates about vaccination, “Haryji’s son-in-law Shivram, who works in a private company in Palanpur.

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