Experts slam England on ‘murder’ end the covid sidewalk – News2IN

Experts slam England on ‘murder’ end the covid sidewalk

Experts slam England on 'murder' end the covid sidewalk
Written by news2in

LONDON: The British government’s plan to make everyday pandemic restrictions in the UK next week has no basis in science and the amount for premeditory murder for thousands of people, scientists warn on Friday.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said this week was “very possible” that the worst Coronavirus pandemic had ended when he pressed forward with the reopening on Monday, even though the Delta variant spread out of control.
This step is justified by two-thirds of all English adults now fully vaccinated, he said, but England’s medical head Chris Whitty warned that the rate of infection was on the path that was “very scary”.
After holding an emergency discussion about the British plan, international scientists included other government advisors having brutal words for Johnson.
“I have written that I believe that the strategy of the herd of immunity actually kills,” said US scientist William Haseltine.
“Knowledge that you do something that will produce thousands, and in some cases tens of thousands of dying people.
This is a disaster as a policy,” he added.
The British government denies it to pursue the policy of “herd herds” by allowing the Delta variant to let RIP, but acknowledge that the daily infection rate can multiply up to 100,000 in the next few weeks, adding strains in the hospital.
“I don’t think we have to underestimate the fact that we can get a problem surprisingly quickly,” Whitty said on Thursday, urging the public “to take very slow things” because of the restrictions on the convenience.
From Monday, dubbed “Freedom Day” by several media, the government will lift most of the restrictions at public meetings in the UK and allow businesses such as nightclubs to reopen.
The mandate that covers the face mask and work from the house will be appointed as Johnson promoting a new approach to personal responsibility, even though it also urges people not to “be careful with the wind”.
The Government of Scotland and Wales are delegated to establish their own health policies and will remain legal requirements for wearing facial cover in closed space such as shops and public transportation.
Northern Ireland seems to be following them.
Foreign scientists who attended Friday’s online meeting warned that England fell from steps not only with neighbors in England but with the whole world.
The meeting was organized by the author of the protest letter published by the Medical Journal of The Lancet last week which initially brought 122 signatories.
1,400 other scientists since adding their names.
“In New Zealand we always look to England for leadership,” said Michael Baker, professor of public health at the University of Otago in Dunedin.
“You have a tremendous depth of scientific knowledge.
You have done very well in the development of vaccines and roll-out.
Extraordinary clinical trials that we picture,” he said.
“And that’s why it seems so extraordinary so you don’t follow the basic health principles here.” Professor Chiou Shu-IT, former Head of Taiwan’s health promotion administration, said he was “very concerned” that a younger age group and clinically susceptible people were left open by the British plan.
“In our culture there is a saying that unethical to take an umbrella away from people while the rain is still raining,” Chiou said.
“And it’s really raining very hard.
So I hope the politicians consider it, to keep the umbrella there for people who don’t have raincoats.” The surge in English sweeping infection caused more than 530,000 people being instructed to isolate themselves by the application managed by the government in the week until July 7, the total highs of January, according to the latest data.

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