Does Coronavirus escape from Wuhan Lab? China vs Who on Covid Origins – News2IN
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Does Coronavirus escape from Wuhan Lab? China vs Who on Covid Origins

Does Coronavirus escape from Wuhan Lab? China vs Who on Covid Origins
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The World Health Organization and China seemed to be at odds with investigations to ensure the possibility that Covid-19 escaped from the laboratory.
China, who oppose the theory that pathogens comes from a virological lab in Wuhan, has constantly rejected WHO calls for other probes to the origin of deadly viruses.
‘Against whose knowledge for the second phase of investigations including laboratory audits and markets in Wuhan City, calling for transparency from the authorities.
However, Chinese officials explained that they would not play the ball this time.
Read the opposition Writechina to investigate the origins of Covid ‘irresponsible’: White Housewashington: China’s opposition to the investigation of the World Health Organization into the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic is “irresponsible” and “dangerous,” said the press secretary Jen PSAKI Thursday.
“Their position is not responsible and frankly dangerous …
this is not the time to tell the story,” PSAKEXPRESS “shock” on the plan of whom the second probe, China commented that the global health hyopthesis of the possibility of laboratories was “opposed to science”.
, “We will not accept the planned search for such origins, in some aspects, ignoring common sense and opposing science,” Zeng Yixin, Deputy Minister of the National Health Commission (NHC), told reporters.
China insisted that pathogens most likely appeared in animals, which transmit it to humans through intermediary hosts.
It also praised the previous report which led mainly to animals and called for the world search for the Genesis of the plague, while saying that the leaky hypothesis was “very impossible.” Yuan Zhiming, Director of the National Biosafety Laboratory in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, told Thursday’s press conference that “no leakage of pathogens or accident infections of staff has occurred” Since the laboratory opened in 2018.
‘Can not rule out the leaky lab a rare departure of his respect The usual to the strong member countries, the Director General of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreesus has recognized last week that it is premature to override the potential relationship between pandemics and leakage from the Chinese government lab in Wuhan.
Wuhan is the city where this disease was first detected at the end of 2019.
Tedros said he hoped for better cooperation and access to data from China, added that gaining access to raw data had been a challenge for international experts this year to investigate the cause Outbreak.
“I myself a lab technician, I am an immunology, and I have worked in the lab, and a lab accident occurred,” Tedro said.
Tedros highlighted that up to the base of the mystery where Covid-19 comes from “important”, to “understand how the pandemic starts and prevents the outbreak in the future.” Among the five priorities listed for the subsequent phase of investigation, which explicitly mentions “laboratory audits and related research institutions operating in the initial human case field identified in December 2019”.
Covered by the mystery from the virus is still contested among experts.
The first cases known to appear in the central city of Central Wuhan in December 2019.
The virus is believed to have jumped into humans from animals sold for food on the city market.
In May, US President Joe Biden ordered a servant to find answers to questions from the origin of the US intelligence agency pursuing a rival theory that could potentially include the possibility of laboratory accidents in China.
He even ordered officials to “multiply their efforts” and reported back at the end of August.
The steps updated interest to the possibility that the virus can escape from Wuhan lab.
In addition, an important part of the Lab leak theory has been centered on the decision of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s (WIV) to take offline the order of its genes and sample databases in 2019.
When asked about this decision, Yuan Zhiming told reporters who are currently only distributed Internal because of the problem of cyber attacks.
(With input from agency)

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