Israeli missiles were shot down in Syria – News2IN

Israeli missiles were shot down in Syria

Israeli missiles were shot down in Syria
Written by news2in

Damascus: Syrian air defense intercepted Israeli missiles in Homs province Thursday morning, this week’s second air strike, Syrian media reported.
Military sources told the Syrian state news agency there that the attack did not cause casualties, only causing material damage.
“At 1:13 a.m.

Israeli enemies carried out air strikes targeting several positions in the Qusayr area of ​​Homs Province,” there, quoting the source.
“Our air defense intercepts missiles …
shoot most of them,” said military source.
Syrian observatories based in the UK for human rights said the missile targeted the military position from the Hizbullah Lebanon group, destroying a weapons depot.
The Syrian army recaptured Qusayr, rebel fortress near the Lebanon border, in 2013 after a 17-day attack was led by Hizbullah fighters.
The city is vital for the regime because it connects the capital city of Damascus to the beach.
Seizing the fort was a big victory for Hezbollah, who had fought with President Bashar Al-Assad’s troops.
Airstrikes Thursday was the second this week, after the Israeli attack on Monday killed five pro-Iranian fighters allied with the regime, and destroyed the nearest group and weapons depots in Aleppo, according to the British-based war monitor.
Since the Syrian civil war broke out in 2011, Israel routinely conducted raids in Syria, most targeted the position of the government and Iranian and Lebanese Hizbullah forces.
Israel rarely confirmed the attack in Syria, but Jewish State forces said it was about around 50 targets in the country hit by the war last year, without providing details.
Israel said she was trying to prevent Iran Arch-Foe from getting a permanent military footing on the doorway.
Last month, Israeli air strikes in Syria were killing at least 11 government and militia forces.

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