The political solution is the only result for eternal peace in Afghanistan, the White House said – News2IN

The political solution is the only result for eternal peace in Afghanistan, the White House said

The political solution is the only result for eternal peace in Afghanistan, the White House said
Written by news2in

WASHINGTON: US Administration, led by President Joe Biden, believed in the peace that took place in Afghanistan could only go through political solutions, the White House said, recorded ongoing dialogue between the torn country government and the Taliban.
“I will note that there are negotiations and ongoing political discussions which of course we support between Afghan leaders, members of the Afghan government, and the Taliban,” said the Secretary of the White Jen PSAKI to reporters at a daily press conference on Friday, in the middle Middle wave.
Violence from the Taliban.
“We believe political solutions are the only results for eternal peace in Afghanistan, but we will continue to provide support to the government in the form of humanitarian support, security support, training.
We will also continue to encourage them to take the main role.
In defending and protecting the people They themselves, “he said.
In an interview with MSNBC, State Secretary Tony Blinken said the US was determined that Afghanistan was not a training ground for terrorism which was directed towards the United States or its allies.
“That’s why we went there in the first place, which was important to remember.
We were attacked on 9/11, we went to Afghanistan to get people – who attacked us – to make it happen.
Osama bin Laden was brought for justice 10 years ago , and groups, Al-Qaida, who are responsible for the attack have been dramatically reduced in terms of capacity to attack anyone from Afghanistan, “he said.” We will ensure that we keep our eyes.
About that.
If we see threats reappear , we will be in a position to take action against him.
But that is why we are there, and now we are 20 years and trillion dollars and thousands of Americans are lost later in the campaign.
I think the reason we go there is what we have to save , And we mostly succeed in doing what we need to do, “Blinken said.
The United States, he said, did have deep concerns about actions, the Taliban took, showing that it might try to bring the country force.
American senior military officers acknowledged that the Taliban had obtained “strategic momentum,” with their troops now controlling about half of the center of Afghanistan.
Blinken said Afghanistan would be a pariah state, if the Taliban took it forcefully.
“It won’t get the help sought and that the Taliban say it wants to have a responsibility for the country.
It will not get support from the international community he said.
We are actively involved in diplomacy.
Because there is no military solution for this conflict that has been Last for more than 40 years in Afghanistan, and we worked to try to end it, “he said.
The US Central Command, who is responsible for Afghanistan, said recently that the withdrawal of US troops was more than 95% complete.
President Joe Biden said the withdrawal would be completed at the end of August.
About 650 troops will remain in the country to secure the presence of US diplomatic in Afghanistan, including the Embassy, ​​and to help secure Kabul International Airport, which is the facilities needed for diplomat movements.

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