Chennai: Women helped stop his marriage 1 hour before the schedule – News2IN

Chennai: Women helped stop his marriage 1 hour before the schedule

Chennai: Women helped stop his marriage 1 hour before the schedule
Written by news2in

Chennai: A 22-year-old woman stopped her marriage to Puzhal one hour before being held after police intervention after the video she sent to her friends became viral on Saturday.
The woman, Janathulla Firdose, 22, Puzhal was not happy with her marriage that was fixed with her mother’s uncle.
Even though he tried to convince his family members to marriage, they refused to accept the reason and forced him to accept proposals.
The police said Firdose sent WhatsApp video where he told his trials.
In the video, he said that he was not happy with marriage when the groom made contact with several other women and that his life would be destroyed if marriage occurred.
He also threatened that if the marriage happened on schedule, he would end his life.
He continued the video to his friends who asked them to forward them to the police.
He then filed a complaint at the Puzhal Women’s Police Station from his parents and the groom.
A police team that reached his house convinced his parents and stopped his marriage.
This creates panic among relatives when marriage is stopped just one hour before it should be held.
Puzhal police advise the bride’s parents not to force him to approve more marriages.
They took him to the police station and extracted a written statement from him.
A police team from the Puzhal Women’s Police Office asked him to contact them in case he faced another problem.
The police also advised him not to use extreme steps based on whatever situation he faced in life.

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