The government is looking for extensions until January 9 to frame CAA rules – News2IN

The government is looking for extensions until January 9 to frame CAA rules

The government is looking for extensions until January 9 to frame CAA rules
Written by news2in

New Delhi: The central government has been looking for extensions until January 9 to frame the rules of the citizenship amendment law (CAA), which was approved by the parliament in 2019, the Minister of State in Nityanan and Rai told Lok Sabha on Tuesday.
He replied to the question of Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi about whether the government had skipped deadlines to frame and notify the CAA rules and steps taken in this context.
“The Citizenship (Amandment) Act, 2019 (CAA) has been notified at 12.12.2019 and has already applicable WEF 10,01,2020,” Minister said.
“The Committee on subordinate laws, Lok Sabya and Rajya Sabha have been asked to provide further extra time of up to 09.01.2022 to frame the rules under the citizenship law (amendment), 2019,” Rai said.
CAA imagined to provide Indian citizenship to non-Muslim minorities who were persecuted from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan.
This is the fifth extension sought by the government to frame these rules.
According to the manual about parliamentary work, the rules for each law should have been framed within six months of the assistant president or looking for extensions.
The goal of the CAA is to provide Indian citizenship to minorities that are persecuted such as Hinduism, Sikh, Jain, Buddha, Parsis and Christians from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.
Those from these communities who came to India until December 31, 2014, faced religion per secution there, would not be treated as illegal immigrants but were given Indian citizenship.
After the CAA was passed by parliament, a wide protest was witnessed in various parts of the country which led to the death of nearly 100 people in police shots and related violence.

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