US, Russia held a ‘professional’ weapon talk even though there was tension – News2IN

US, Russia held a ‘professional’ weapon talk even though there was tension

US, Russia held a 'professional' weapon talk even though there was tension
Written by news2in

WAWINGTON: Senior diplomats from the United States and Russia hold what is described by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as “substantive and professional talks about weapons control and other strategic problems on Wednesday even though there are so many other differences that have sent relationships into Tailspin.
Foreign Ministry of Foreign Discussion In Geneva it did not produce a breakthrough but said they produced a minimum for positive results from these negotiations: agreement to meet again in the context of talks supported by President Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin.
“We remain committed, even at the time of tension.
, to ensure predictability and reduce the risk of armed conflict and the threat of nuclear war, “said the department in a statement.
The two presidents have agreed to continue strategic talks when they meet in Geneva last month.” Today’s meeting in Geneva was originally this dialogue with the Russian Federation, “he said.
“The US delegation discusses the priority of US policies and the current security environment, national perception of threats to strategic stability, the prospect of new nuclear weapons control, and format for future stability dialog sessions in the future.” Both parties were represented by Deputy Secretary.
Wendy State Sherman and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov.
The Ned Price Department spokesman said they had agreed to hold other high round talks at the end of September.
The US team will travel to Brussels on Thursday to speak, he said.
Wednesday’s meeting was held when Both parties revealed new reciprocal hostilities after condescending comments from Biden about Russia and Retort from Putin spokesman.
Speaking to members of the US intelligence community, Biden said that Putin in “real problems’ because the Russian economy had” nuclear weapons and oil wells and no any other.” “” He knew he was in real trouble, which made him even a dangerous ore, in my view, “Biden said.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded on Wednesday, said Biden’s statement “Inherently wrong” and based on “the wrong knowledge and understanding of modern Russia.
” He noted that Biden spoke to the US intelligence community, and “the Rousing statement is however, the request of this audience.
” War of words, however, cannot distract from the main problems that are at stake in strategic talks, which has taken new interests because Trump’s administration withdrew from two agreements with Russia and has been prepared.
To allow the third _ starting new _ for a hose before Biden served and decided to expand it.
One obstacle in talks was Russian demand that the US stopped resisting the limit on the missile defense , which was seen by Russia as a long-term threat and Americans saw as a war prevention.
The missile defense dispute has shot past efforts to expand the scope of weapons control negotiations to include more than the traditional category “Stra Tegic, ” or long-term nuclear misspies.
Now this is one of the disagreement _ enlarged by the recruitment of reciprocity _ the possibility of determining whether the two largest nuclear powers in the world can avoid new weapons races.
Which was at stake by Biden, “new and dangerous and sophisticated weapons that came to the present venue which reduced the response time, which increased the prospect of an unintentional war.” Russia has long insisted on no strategic stability without defensive weapons and offensive limits.
Russia does not leaving doubts that it will insist that the missile defense is part of the weapon control settings in the future.
For its part, the Biden government wants Moscow to agree to limit non-strategic nuclear he calls.
Weapons, which are not covered by new early.
Some weapons control experts think It presents the possibility of negotiating tradeoff _ which includes the missile defense and non-strategic weapons.
The US, because Trump is the president, also insisted that China would be part.
From every new weapons control setting.
Russia said that it was up to Chinese people, so far refused all requests to consider ideas that.

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