BJP MP wrote to the LS Speaker, demanding the elimination of Shashi Tharoor as the chairman of the house panel on it – News2IN

BJP MP wrote to the LS Speaker, demanding the elimination of Shashi Tharoor as the chairman of the house panel on it

BJP MP wrote to the LS Speaker, demanding the elimination of Shashi Tharoor as the chairman of the house panel on it
Written by news2in

New Delhi: MP BJP Nishikant Dubey on Friday urged the Speaker Lok Sabha to “start an urgent action and dismiss the” Shashi Tharoor Congress leader from the Standing Parliament Committee on information technology leadership, on the contrary he will continue to improve “irrelevant problems”.
Dubey is a panel member.
The demand for the removal of Tharoor came a few days after the standing parliamentary committee of information and technology was set to question government officials about Pegasus Spyware issues.
However, the meeting scheduled for Wednesday could not occur when members of the BJP Panel did not sign a registers attendance, even though they were present in the meeting room along with members of the opposition, which caused a lack of quorum.
In a letter to the speaker Om Birla, Dubey said that the majority of members had shown their ‘insecure’ at the continuation of Tharoor as Chair of the Committee.
Demanding the elimination of the leaders of the Congress from the parliamentary panel leadership, he alleged that Tharoor was involved in questionable activities, inside the house and on the committee to tarnish the image of democracy.
“I once again asking yourself a good self to start an urgent action against Dr.
Shashi Tharoor and dismiss him from the leadership of the Parliament Committee on Information Technology because he will continue to improve irrelevant problems before you and the media …,” Media BJP.
Word in his letter.
The pursuit of the demand for Tharoor will act against government officials because they did not attend the last meeting of the panel, Dubey said opposed to the convention followed by the Parliament Committee.
“It is also a problem of records to date, no parliamentary committee – both served by Lok Sabha or Sabha – who once initiated any privilege process of Indian government officials which stated their inability to appear before the administrative committee,” Dubey said.
“But, Dr.
Tharoor, who is known for ‘eccentric crush’ and ‘acute psychological disorders and disorientation’ has not yet respected the concept of mutual respect ‘between the two governance organs, namely,’ executives’ and ‘legislative’, purely due to their parish purpose To loosen the ‘dismissal’ snare from the leadership of the Committee on Information Technology, “he said in his letter.
Without calling anyone, Tharoor tweeted quotes from the Irish drama writer George Bernard Shaw.
“For journalists who ask for my response to uncled & annoying comments, this is why I have no intention of replying!” He said on Twitter with a Shaw quote – “I studied for a long time, never grappling with a pig.
You become dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.” Congress MP in a letter to Birla has demanded action against the ministry officials for “last minute rejection” to attend the panel meeting on Wednesday, saying that it was “home insult”.
The committee is expected to discuss the case of Pegasus reconnaissance in his last meeting.

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