This panel meets: Om Birla to hear Shashi Tharoor – News2IN

This panel meets: Om Birla to hear Shashi Tharoor

This panel meets: Om Birla to hear Shashi Tharoor
Written by news2in

New Delhi: Speaker Lok Sabha Om Birla was studied to convince the chairman of Ti Shashi Tharoor panel that he would give him an audience to voice his concern for what had happened at the panel meeting this week and would also look into complaints.
Separately, Birla has also been studied to say he will meet all members of the house panel to try to resolve the concerns raised by the chairman.
Earlier this week, discussions about the privacy and security of citizens and security slipped when 10 BJP parliamentarians emerged but refused to mark their presence in the attendance list, resulting in a lack of quorum.
In addition, three Secretaries Union forgive themselves appear before the panel one hour before the meeting and without, according to the procedure, seek Tharoor approval first.
Failure to appear before the Parliamentary Committee when summoned is an insult of a house, IT Panel Chairman Shashi Tharoor said in a letter to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, looking for the right actions under the rules at home, information technology, and communication, to fail to appear before the house panel.
In his letter to Birla, Tharoor also said he did not forgive witnesses to attend the trial and that the last minute rejection of his two “unprecedented” and clearly the “violation of privileges and parliamentary insults.” Practice and parliamentary procedures said the committee could not only direct officials from the Ministry, Department, Public Business or organization to appear before them, but also witnesses in prison.
This precedent came from February 1966, when a parliamentary committee, with a ‘request for Punjabi Suba’, decided to hear the detenu owned based on the command of the Punjab government.
The Ministry of Home Affairs and the Punjab government were asked to ensure the appearance of Detenu before the committee.
The Detenu who was at the central prison, Delhi, was taken to the parliament building on the date and time appointed under the police escort and carried out to the waiting room for the witness.
“After the proof before the committee, he was carried out to the main gate by the watch officer and the environment and was handed over to the escort of the police who were waiting to be brought back to prison,” Practices and Procedures of Parliament ‘, a book by Kaul and Sakhder said.

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