Delhi: 8 Women’s Police now beat officers with twin intentions – News2IN

Delhi: 8 Women’s Police now beat officers with twin intentions

New Delhi: Senior citizens are very happy to see Constable Rinu on Beat Patrol in the area under the police station Bharat Nagar in Northwest Delhi.
The police themselves said, “A 82-year-old child called me every day and lovingly spoke to me as Laddoo Gopalan.
He even invited me to sit with him at night.
His family lived on the floor on it, but he felt lonely and needed Someone to talk to police.
The move took place after Kunha Rangnani, DCP District, felt that women’s officers could also be involved in the police everyday.
This will not only provide the visibility of the police in the area, but also motivates residents to build a better public police partnership.
Kiran Kir, who patrolled the same area as Rinku, said their patrol had created respect for the uniform.
“It was there before too, but at this time when we questioned someone, they listened to us and admitted their mistakes.
Many women also advanced to share their complaints and we tried to finish it,” Kiran said.
Quoting an example, Kiran continued, “When he saw people fighting on the road, we intervened and told them that the battle and arguing was not a solution and that they would be taken to the police station if they continued to create a commotion.
Such fear tactics worked .
“Not uniform, female officers are not as effective.
As Monika Yadav, who was an officer defeated in the Ashok Vihar area, explained, “Sometimes when I don’t uniform or not on duty and interference in the road, the impact is not as many as I was in my police uniform.” Constable Sunita’s constable head Field duty for the first time since joining Delhi police 26 years ago.
“I have done office work or accompanying a police team about raids but never defeated working,” he said.
“I really like to find senior citizens in the area.” The WhatsApp group has begun for senior citizens to coordinate their needs.
Constable Preeti, 25, who patrolled the Ashok Vihar area, said, “It was amazing when young girls and children playing in the garden approached us to selfie.” Moving DCP Rangnani to use a woman’s beat officer has brought positive change.
“Previously, this police had responsibility, but now they have authority too,” said Rangnani.
“It’s easier now for locals, especially young women and girls, to communicate with them.
In fact, not only women but even men start opening in cases where they face abuse or have other problems with family members.
Beat officers too Challenge the traditional patriarchal mindset.
We will ensure that we have officers beating women in all our police stations.

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