Lalan Singh replaces RCP as JD (U) National Prez – News2IN

Lalan Singh replaces RCP as JD (U) National Prez

Patna: MUJER MP Rajiv Ranjan Singh, better known as Lalan Singh (66), on Saturday was nominated as National President JD (U) at the National Executive Committee meeting in Delhi.
Chairman of the Union Minister and Exit JD (U) RCP Singh proposed the name Lalan, which unanimously approved by all senior party leaders in front of the Head of Bihar Minister Nith Kumar, a senior party leader to Ti from Delhi.
“Lalans Singh’s Five-Year Magic as the President of the State JD (U) is very spectacular.
Now, he will strengthen the party throughout the country based on his long organization experience, the spokesman said” JD (U) Ranbir Nandan.
Lalan, who is also the leader of JD (U) in Lok Sabha, has become the fourth national party president after Sharad Yadav, Nitish and RCP, who is now the Minist of Union cabinet.
RCP remains the head of the party for the shortest period of only seven months.
Lalan and RCP first requested Nitish at Delhi Bungalow and then reached the meeting place.
Sounds were appointed in JD (U) to nominate the president of the new party after RCP induction into the United Cabinet on July 7 this year.
RCP is also under pressure to sacrifice one of two posts on the principle of ‘one post one post’ which is obeyed by the party.
The famous face in JD (U), Lalan also served as President of Bihar Party for almost five years – from 2005 to 2010.
Lok Sabha’s member three times, he first won parliamentary poll in 2004 from Begusarai at JD Ticket (U) , In the 2009 general election, he turned to the neighboring seat chair and won for the second term in a row.
However, he lost the munder seat to Veena Devi Party Lok Jansakti in the 2014 poll, but regained back in 2019.
When becoming President of the State JD (U), Lalan rebelled against certain problems in 2010.
But in 2013, he once again improved His relationship with Nitish, who watched him from Munger in 2014.
JD (U) Secretary General of JD (U) KC Tyagi, Chairperson of the Upendra Kushwaha Party Parliament, and Rajya Sabha’s member and former Head of Bihar Bashishhtha Nariain Singh, was also present at the Executive Committee meeting National party.
Apart from the nomination of Lalan, JD (U) also passes a number of resolutions, including repeating its position that the central government must come out with Caste Census, a problem with potentially wide political consequences, and also speaks against coercive actions such as the enactment of the law to control population growth.
Some countries rule BJP, including Uttar Pradesh, have struggled for the law to curb population growth.
Tyagi told reporters that the policy of coercion had failed during an emergency, even when he added his party to support the steps to control population growth.

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