Brave India fell 2-1 from Argentina, to play against GB for bronze – News2IN

Brave India fell 2-1 from Argentina, to play against GB for bronze

Brave India fell 2-1 from Argentina, to play against GB for bronze
Written by news2in

Indian women’s hockey is always flown under radar, living in the shadows of men’s hockey in this country.
When Rani Rampal and CO entered Fray at the Tokyo Olympics, a place in the quarter-finals predicted by some optimistic people.
Even those who came under the scanner after three straight losses in the pool match.
But the hockey brand they played for the last 15 days had all hearts and souls.
Reaching the semifinals is an achievement achieved by victory against Australia.
Against the world no.
2 Argentina in the last 4 match, they installed a good fight and spilled a few drops of blood (Navneet Kaur) also before falling 1-2.
In the match where they gave everything, at least in the first and final quarter, the Indian team was removed from the gold medal fight by the league team in front of the experience and exposure to bigstage more importantly.
India has their moments but flounder mainly in injection, trapping and a penalty angle.
India lives in hunting to complete an important podium and take the United Kingdom in a bronze medal playoff on Friday.
India has lost to England 1-4 on the league stage.
Meanwhile, in the final, Argentina will fit the Netherlands, which beat England 5-1 in other semifinal clashes.
India left for the beginning that lights up with Gurjit Kaur getting Dragflick through Argentine defender and Maria Suger goalkeeper in the second minute.
Defense does it well to absorb pressure until the end of the quarter.
Argentina stormed the Indian defense at the start of the second quarter with Julieta Jankunas and Maria Trinchinetti took their two corners of the penalty in a few minutes.
They got an equalizer immediately, Skipper Noel Barlonuevo, a veteran of 337 hats, right on target in the 18th minute.
Las Leonas has better than exchanges and ownership when they use left wings, giving a little room for India to play their games.
Even though India managed to prevent further damage, Argentina began calling for their rival game plans.
India find it difficult to dribble or make a short trajectory and hire a long hit checked by an experienced opposition backline.
Also, there are gaping holes between Indian and Forwardline midfield, which allows Argentina to have a larger ball ownership.
Argentina Raids wore Indian defense down and every time they turned their eyes from the ball or tripped with their footwork in a circle, they gave a penalty angle.
This caused lighters in the 36th minute.
Barlonuevo, a 37-year-old defender with a deadly Dragflick as his main weapon, was placed at home from a penalty.
There were some worried moments with referees looking for references, who went to Argentina.
India stepped on the pedal, fighting with teeth and nails for other purposes, another opportunity to stay alive in the match.
With 17.4 seconds for the last hooter, they went for reference, looking for a penalty angle rejected.

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