The young man was killed in a wrong identity attack coming to Gurgaon in July, to support the mother and younger brother – News2IN

The young man was killed in a wrong identity attack coming to Gurgaon in July, to support the mother and younger brother

Written by news2in

Gurgaon: The personal tragedy has brought Anuj Kumar to Gurgaon.
The 21-year-old migrant worker, which is mistaken for Molester’s accomplices and is beaten to death in the badminton academy on Tuesday, has lost his father six months ago and responsibility to give his family before his time.
Departing from Jaunpur above, he set foot in the city of NCR in mid-July, Sanjay’s brother-in-law behind him.
Tuesday afternoon had brought it the opportunity to find work after hunting work for three weeks.
Anuj and Sanjay happened to reach the 37C sector to meet with Chandan’s contractor at the same time a 17-year-old girl was sexually harassed by bikers in the same place.
Anuj mistakenly identified as a biker’s hand, bundled into the car and was taken to the Badminton academy, where he was beaten to death by a group of men who were known to the girl.
Anuj survived his mother and younger brother, whose education and his career was hedged in Anuj’s income from his work in the city.
According to Sanjay, Anuj’s father is a daily wage worker and died of tuberculosis.
But a lot before that, when his father was diagnosed with this disease, Anuj had to stop school and do part time work to increase his income.
Sanjay, who also sank and saw Anuj gave up on the wounds, accusing him forced to take the discharge of a civil hospital after several men threatened him with “consequences” if he spoke with the police.
The police have denied that claim.
“We are not aware of such threats.
We will provide security if we receive any complaints,” said ACP (Crime) Preeting Sangwan.
A few years older than Anuj, Sanjay is no better.
The thumb was amputated after an accident a few months ago at the factory he worked had threw uncertainty about his ability to continue to do the work.
He has landed cleaning work a few days ago, but a new injury from Tuesday’s attack will limit him to sleep for some time.
Sanjay and his wife Hiramati (28) have made a living by selling plastic accessories for cars and other vehicles.
They provided a bag of rations by the authorities a few days ago, but it will only last one week or more.
“My husband can’t work, at least for some time.
I have to take care of our son.
There is a scarcity of work because of Covid.
What will we do? How will we survive?” Asked Hiramati in their one-room accommodation in the Kadipur Industrial area.
Sanjay said their attackers subdued them to abuse the girl when the rain blew and kicked.
“They continue to say that people like us, who come from other states to find work, spread dirt in the city.
That day, when Anuj became fainted, they threw an electric wire to him to give the impression that he had been reduced,” he said told Tii.
In Kadipur, most of the villagers have distanced themselves from the Sanjay family, do not ask the police too.
“The villagers are afraid to talk to them.
Nobody wants to be part of anything involving the police,” said Ranjeel Maharaj, a neighbor.
Sanjay and Hiramati still reconcile with the tragedy of losing Anuj.
Phone cards and ID Sanjay with police and they cannot talk to their families in Jaunpur since Tuesday’s attack.
“I don’t know how they are.
We have been told that Anuj’s body has reached the village.
I see my brother-in-law die in front of my eyes.
I can’t forget this.
I can’t even share sadness with my brothers,” Sanjay said.
Chandan, a contractor who should have gave AUJ work that day and was also beaten at the Academy, while recovering.
“We leave our village to make a living for ourselves, not to disturb anyone.
The whole episode is framed.
We don’t persecute anyone.
On the contrary, we were attacked and beaten,” said the 24-year-old youth who came to Gurgaon three years ago .

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