Raj got a dose every day in August, but in small quantities – News2IN

Raj got a dose every day in August, but in small quantities

Raj got a dose every day in August, but in small quantities
Written by news2in

Jaipur: It seems that the center has changed its strategy to supply the dose of the Covid-19 vaccine because it has supplied a vaccine every day in August but in a small amount in a dose of 3.5 lakh.
Daily supply in small quantities of doses has made boring vaccine distribution work in the state.
The Ministry of Health must call a team from the district to come and collect vaccine doses from Jaipur and Udaipur every day.
Because of this, supply is made to the level of public health center every day.
The country has received a dose of 2.1 lakh at 1.8 lakh doses on August 2, 3.3 lakh dosage on August 3, 52,000 doses on August 4, 2.89 lakh doses on August 5 and 3.26 lakh doses on August 6 , “Availability so far.
Worried, we can provide 25,000 doses to larger districts and 8,000-15,000 to smaller districts every day.
We have the capacity of providing 15 doses of lakh in the state,” said Siddharth Mahajan, Secretary (Health) inside Covid-19 review meeting led by Chairman of the Minister of Ashok Gehlot on Saturday.
However, he showed that Rajasthan had received more doses than allocated by the center for July.
In July, the dose allocation was 48.90,170, but the state government had received 77.04,200 doses.
In addition, in August, the center has made the allocation of 53,07,780 doses and of them13,94,140 has been received in the first six days in a few months, which is 26.2% of the doses allocated for August.
According to the schedule, send it by the center to supply vaccines to the country for August, the first supply of doses is scheduled on August 7, but the center has sent a small dose every day in the first six days in six months.
Because the state government receives a smaller number of vaccines, officials cannot told people, if they will be able to vaccinate the people the following day, which is another problem that officials face a smaller number of doses supply.
In addition, the problem has also been raised by Gehlot from low voters at the vaccination center of private hospitals.

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