‘Fast surge in the case of stage 4 lung cancer in HYD’ – News2IN

‘Fast surge in the case of stage 4 lung cancer in HYD’

'Fast surge in the case of stage 4 lung cancer in HYD'
Written by news2in

Hyderabad: The case of further lung cancer has seen a significant increase over the past six months, according to doctors in the city.
While some hospital hospitals have reported a 30 percent increase in the number of stadium-four lung cancer cases, the largest government managed tertiary care in the state – MNJ Institute of Oncology and Cancer Research – has witnessed a leap of 20 percent in cases.
Individual doctors have also reported a 15 to 20 percent increase in the increase in the stage-four cases of lung cancer that have developed rapidly from the previous stage due to delays or no medical attention sought during pandemics.
“There is a gradual increase in the presentation with the majority of cases that come at the delayed stage.
Unlike before, when a few advanced cases can be managed with drugs, most cases must now be subject to palliative chemotherapy,” said the MNJ Institute of Oncology and the Director of Cancer Research DR N Jayalatha, adding that the mortality rate in such cases also rose significantly.
He also informed that since the lung cancer patients immunocompromised, they tended to experience a more complicated Covid-19 infection too.
The doctor said that advanced metastatic presentations had seen increases because patients could not seek timely assistance for fear of infection and various logistical problems during the pandemic.
“Before March-April this year, there are very few oncology practices that occur because of the pandemic but now we see many people who come with advanced stage lung cancer and other cancers.
I have seen 40 percent of the case in the past two months comes with The advanced stage.
Covid-19 has damaged collateral in cancer patients, “said Dr.
Chinnababu Sunkavalli, surgical oncologist in Apollo Hospitals.
While the stage – one lung cancer can really be cured, stage-four lung cancer can reduce the survival of patients who are expected to be less than a year.
“The size of lung-cancer lungs in a short range of three to six months.
Delaying medical treatment during the period formulating conditions and risks increased because the prognosis of stage-four lung cancer is still not great,” said Dr.
Tapaswi Krishna P, a pulmonological consultant at Gleneagles Global Hospitals.
Tapaswi Krishna informs that it is very important for patients to look for medical interventions on time to capture the development of lung cancer or even ensure it is cured in the early stages.
“It should be noted that the size of the tumor and the spread of cancer cells is the biggest cause of death among those who suffer from lung cancer,” said the doctor, added that the increase was close to 50 percent in the stage-four cases of lung cancer seen in the center of cancer of the house Pain has become a cause of concern.

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