Afghanistan airspace lid for civil aircraft, Mayhem at the airport, 7 diep ensperation to get out – News2IN

Afghanistan airspace lid for civil aircraft, Mayhem at the airport, 7 diep ensperation to get out

Afghanistan airspace lid for civil aircraft, Mayhem at the airport, 7 diep ensperation to get out
Written by news2in

Tarmak Kabul Airport turns into a tragic center of the conquest of the Taliban from Afghanistan on Monday because five people were reported killed in the middle of the fight to climb whatever aircraft was ready to take off, including a US military aircraft seen with hundreds along with such a giant bus Can be stopped to squeeze in some more passengers.
The ongoing theater of the absurd was limited by the Taliban political office which stated to Al Jazeera TV, “Thank God, War (20 years) ends”.
The Taliban also tried to stem the panic that had swept away, by saying “life, property, and honor there was nothing to be harmed but must be protected by the Mujahideen”.
There was no statement, of course, had a calming effect on the chaos at the airport, was exacerbated by Afghan people who attacked US forces placed in the terminal.
Two gunmen were killed in retaliation shots, said Pentagon later.
Press Secretary John Kirby said one of the US team members had reportedly injured.
US troops also opened fire on air to prevent people trying to impose their way to military flights that evacuate the diplomats and embassy staff, other officials said.
It is not clear whether five people reported killed in chaos at the airport were shot or died in the raid.
The Pentagon said US troops worked with Turkish and international international forces to clear Kabul airport to allow evacuation.
US troops have taken control of air traffic in Kabul, announced.
With the Afghan airspace closed for commercial aircraft, some Indians who waited to return to the house were left stranded in Kabul because Air India could not operate a flight back Delhi-kabul that flew more than 160 people.
Declaring the airspace kabul “uncontrolled”, the Afghan civil aviation authority issued two notifications to pilots, advising commercial aircraft kneeling.
For Indian airlines fly abroad, it means taking a longer route.
Far from the damage to the war in Kabul, a special session of the United Nations Security Council peaked in the US promised to be generous in reconciling his Afghans.
It urges its neighbors to provide protection – while or permanent – to Afghanistan escape from the Taliban.
President Joe Biden remained in a hurry in facing criticism extortion, both inside and without, from US withdrawal that paved the way for the return of Taliban.
He said the “longest war” was over and Onus was in Afghan forces to fight the Taliban.
“If President Biden really did not regret about his decision to retreat, he was cut off from the reality when it came to Afghanistan,” Senator Republic of Lindsey Graham tweeted.
British PMS Boris Johnson intends to hold a virtual meeting of the G7 leaders to discuss the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, his office said on Monday, because the government increased efforts to evacuate its citizens from Kabul.
Al Jazeera broadcast the record of what the Taliban commander was said at the Presidential Palace, brought by dozens of warriors.
Mohammad Naeem, spokesman for the Taliban political office, said the contour of the new Afghan government will soon be known.
Said the Taliban did not want to “live in isolation”, he called for peaceful international relations and tried to project a moderate face by promising regimes to respect women’s rights and protect foreigners and Afghans.
Afghan President Runaway Ashraf Ghani, who escaped from Kabul on Sunday to let the Taliban was driven out, said in a statement that he did it to “avoid bloodshed”.

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