Google Chrome now clearly says what data is tracked when you use disguise mode – News2IN

Google Chrome now clearly says what data is tracked when you use disguise mode

Google Chrome now clearly says what data is tracked when you use disguise mode
Written by news2in

Google faces a class action lawsuit of $ 5 billion in the US to track Chrome users even in disguise mode.
Now, Google has worked for some time to discard this $ 5 billion lawsuit believes that it must make sense among Chrome users “Incognito does not mean not visible”.
However, in response to the lawsuit, Google redesigned the Incognito tab on Google Chrome and will now clearly state the ‘what disguise’ and ‘what is not done by disguise’.
According to the report by TechDows, the version of Canary Chrome on Android is equipped with a new chrome disguise fashion design.
Google clearly states that disguise does not make you not look online and the website to find out when you visit them.
It also mentions that entrepreneurs or schools can track search activities and internet service providers can monitor web traffic.
Comparing new designs with existing ones, Google seems to have removed the toggle option to block third-party cookies.
It is expected that Google can soon launch this redesigned disguise mode immediately on all platforms and not only Android.
The cost of Google’s lawsuit of “business tracking business” and US district judge Lucy Koh previously noted that “Google did not tell the user that Google involves in the alleged data collection while users in personal search mode.” Explain what disguising mode does, Google has said that ‘Incognito’ mode only gives users to browse Chrome without internet search activities they are saved to their browser or device.
“As for online advertising, it is known that disguise mode has nothing to do with blocking ad trackers.
Even if you explore the internet using disguised mode, advertising and online trackers still follow you.

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