Corpn offers free Wi-Fi in 49 places in Chennai – News2IN

Corpn offers free Wi-Fi in 49 places in Chennai

Corpn offers free Wi-Fi in 49 places in Chennai
Written by news2in

Chennai: Chennai Corporation will offer 30-minute free Wi-Fi in 49 locations, including Anna Tower Park, CDH, Tondaiarpet, Junction Gemini, Marina Beach, Ashok Pillar, Tuesday and CMBT, from Tuesday.
The service will be offered near the Smart Poland which has a CCTV camera and an emergency call button connected to the command center at Ripon Buildings.
Users need to choose ‘Smart City Wi-Fi’ and enter a password once sent to their cellphone.
The connection will stop after 30 minutes.
Total list of Smart Pole locations is available at pdf

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